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LPPT Lisbon suggestions

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Hi all,

I am very happy to see my hometown airport highly detailed in MSFS! After a couple of flights, I would like to share a few thoughts for improvement, and leave the space for any fellow simmers to add their own comments.

1. MSFS's ATC is not using the real taxiway names

2. MSFS's ATC seems to have a preference towards runway 21 when wind is light, whereas in real life the "default" runway is 03, unless significant wind forces the use of 21.

3. I've used the Cessna 172 to explore the area and after landing I am being directed towards Parking 200. I would say it should be using parking spots 701 to 706 for small GA parking (although only 705 - named 75 - and 706 are available in the sim).

4. On the product screenshots the Vasco da Gama Bridge is visible in the distance. As far as I was able to check, it is not part of the add-on. Is there any additional product I am missing?


Hope this helps. I remain available for any necessary clarification.


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Hello Mortom

Unfortunately the product was not made by Orbx so they can't do anything about it and possibly won't comment on this post.


Not sure if MK Studios will read this post. It would be better to write directly to them, though I found this developer never replies to issues. I sent an e-mail reporting an issue I had in Keflavik several months ago, and I'm still waiting for a reply.


The good thing is that the issue was solved with latest update. The message shows yet as unread


Maybe you could have better luck as this product is brand new




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I could be wrong but points 2 and 3 I would say potentially is out of the hands of developers and is in the control of MSFS’s ATC, I don’t know the inner workings of the ATC as I’ve not used it since FSX but I think it’s still the same since those days and isn’t the best

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Thank you for your inputs. I saw that there was a bug report for the same product on the forums here that was addressed, nevertheless I understand that this might not be the most appropriate channel and if no feedback is obtained here I might try alternative forms of contact.

Regarding the issues themselves, I reckon that it my not be easy or even possible to change, but I thought it would be worth a shot anyway.

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On 12/26/2021 at 3:10 PM, mortom said:

Hi all,

I am very happy to see my hometown airport highly detailed in MSFS! After a couple of flights, I would like to share a few thoughts for improvement, and leave the space for any fellow simmers to add their own comments.

1. MSFS's ATC is not using the real taxiway names

2. MSFS's ATC seems to have a preference towards runway 21 when wind is light, whereas in real life the "default" runway is 03, unless significant wind forces the use of 21.

3. I've used the Cessna 172 to explore the area and after landing I am being directed towards Parking 200. I would say it should be using parking spots 701 to 706 for small GA parking (although only 705 - named 75 - and 706 are available in the sim).

4. On the product screenshots the Vasco da Gama Bridge is visible in the distance. As far as I was able to check, it is not part of the add-on. Is there any additional product I am missing?


Hope this helps. I remain available for any necessary clarification.



I monitor the forum frequently. However, I always recommend contacting through the Support Ticket system. I know it has a few issues (tickets getting lost in the queue / not closing correctly). 
We're finalizing a new website that will improve many mentioned things. 

1, 2 - this is, unfortunately, out of our control. 

3 - I'll check if the parking types are correct and fix them if necessary. I've seen default ATC redirect jets to GA stands and GA to gates. I think that ATC behavior needs improvements in general, but again, that's something on the ASOBO side. 

4 - The city objects are not included. It's possible that this one was taken with freeware city scenery installed as we cooperated and made our products compatible with each other. :)  


More than that, there's an update coming in the first half of January that will cover all the reported issues and bring general performance improvement with reduced RAM usage. 


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Thank you for looking into this. Particularly topic 1 is unfortunate, but perhaps sometime in the future there will be a way to correct it. It seems weird that such a detailed sim would resort to assigning random taxiway names...


I'll use the MK-Studios' ticketing system from now on in case I come up with something else (although the browser is warning me that SSL certificates are not implemented).


Looking forward to the January update :)




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