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About matteusz

  • Birthday June 12

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  1. Hi! We're aware of that and fix is on the way. We've already released one for our Ponta Delgada.
  2. Did you try an alternative bgl file I provided? Do you use Orbx Vector?
  3. I prepared an experimental version of the file. I believe that there's too much data in a single bgl. That'd be better to split it into four separate bgls in the future. You may try this one. Remember to make a backup! cvx5410.BGL
  4. Do you have SODE installed and activated? Kind regards
  5. Hi, I've been trying to track this issue for quite a bit of time. What seems to be a problem is stock EFHK content. You may try to move the files away (make backup!). X:\Prepar3D\Scenery\0601\scenery APX54100.bgl (only if using custom EFHK scenery) OBX54100.bgl cvx5410.bgl (if using Orbx Vector) Look at the OBX54100 that has a lot of stock scenery objects placed all around. Each of them takes a drawcall or more. I've also provided this information to LM. Hopefully they'll take a look. Kind regards, Mateusz
  6. Hi, thank you for reporting this. We'll prepare an update and release it soon. Kind regards!
  7. Hi! I monitor the forum frequently. However, I always recommend contacting through the Support Ticket system. I know it has a few issues (tickets getting lost in the queue / not closing correctly). We're finalizing a new website that will improve many mentioned things. 1, 2 - this is, unfortunately, out of our control. 3 - I'll check if the parking types are correct and fix them if necessary. I've seen default ATC redirect jets to GA stands and GA to gates. I think that ATC behavior needs improvements in general, but again, that's something on the ASOBO side. 4 - The city objects are not included. It's possible that this one was taken with freeware city scenery installed as we cooperated and made our products compatible with each other. More than that, there's an update coming in the first half of January that will cover all the reported issues and bring general performance improvement with reduced RAM usage. Regards! Mateusz
  8. Glad to hear it's working and I apologize for this situation! That was a bit of stressful for everyone I guess. All in all the issue was in the taxiway models. The compiler didn't return any error when building the scenery as well as there was no problem when running SIM in medium/high settings (at least when testing the scenery). Enjoy the scenery!
  9. Please follow the topic mentioned below where I posted solution. Thank you. I
  10. Gentlemen, I believe the issue is now fixed. I need to confirm that, and I'd kindly ask you to check if replacing the files mkstudios-lppt-modellib.BGL and lppt-scene.bgl solve the problem for you. File locations: mkstudios-lppt-modellib.BGL - [Library] mkstudios-airport-lppt-lisbon\scenery\global\scenery lppt-scene.bgl - [Library] mkstudios-airport-lppt-lisbon\scenery\world\scenery I passed the files to @Ed Correia for a quick hotfix. Kind regards, Mateusz mkstudios-lppt-modellib.BGL lppt-scene.bgl
  11. I'm investigating this issue and trying to reproduce at the moment. We've seen similar issue when using freeware city scenery, but that's not the case here. I'd suggest trying to lower graphical settings and see if that helps at the moment. [EDIT] I was able to recreate the problem what should make things a bit easier now.
  12. Hi, Thank you for reporting this. We'll check this out. We had few reports where combination of freeware city scenery caused problems when used together with our airport. Is that the case maybe? Kind regards, Mateusz
  13. Thank you for confirming this. PAPIs are already corrected in these files and should be correct now (right vs left one).
  14. You may try replacing these two files in the scenery location and check it out. I extended the exclusion area. The reason for this is another afcad/bgl scenery file being displayed for some reason, this isn't - however - placed by any of our files. Location: LIBRARY \p3dv5\BIKF Keflavik Airport\Orbx\MKStudios\MK_BIKF\Scenery I also suggest going through the following steps: http://mkstudios.pl/support/kb/faq.php?id=8 BIAR_ADEP5_mk.bgl BIKF_ADEP5_mk.bgl
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