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Various shots taken in P3D

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Various shots taken in P3D with my new Ryzen 3800x CPU, which has made quite a noticable improvement over the previous gen 2700x I was running.

Basics were a BIOS update and drop in the new CPU, then tune the base clock rate to 4.5 GHz and disable SMT.

A sweet running CPU giving great sim flying.


Heading towards Skagit in the Ant Tigermoth Pro.




Turning towards parking @ Goheen airstrip




It seems no matter when I fly there is always weather, and here I'm heading into the weather and then out again while flying North from Goheen.




Another weather one, flying east from Sekiu 11S airport, had to keep low on that flight.




My B120 Embraer, I just installed 15 liveries, my GTN 750 and performed some xml work in the model and gauges to cleanup a few bugs that were annoying me.




My A2A C182, where I've been neglecting maintenance and a flight in NZ nearly ended with not making the airport due to the copious amount of smoke and rough running of the engine, but hey got there in the end... represented quite a fun challange to coax the aircraft to keep running while loosing as little height as possible.



Same C182 @ Cushman Meadows on a misty day.



The Goose Redux @ Lake Trillum in Oregon USA



Same Goose and same lake while tuning the contact points for new water wake effects.



That's All Folks !


Cheers (and about to enter another 7 days of snap Covid lockdown).



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2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Great shots & reporting, QA.

Good luck with that lockdown shit (I think I can name it that way, can´t I?)

After a 18 months of Covid , all four letter words should be available . :(:angry::lol:

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