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The motion of the ocean


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I must admit I am finding M$F$ hard to get used to but it has so many great features.

Taking off from Greymouth NZ on a windy day, I was very impressed by the movement of the ocean which of course you cannot see here.

The new mesh has made a world of difference too, lets hope it is the first of many!



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Thanks Gumby. 

I still have most of my flights using P3DV4 and just dabble with 2020.

The other reason I like V4 is that I can use OZx with AU V1.

I am not sure what will happen if I have to do a reinstall and if I can still install AU V1.

Saying that I am currently flying XP-11 over LA! :rolleyes:

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26 minutes ago, VH-KDK said:

Thanks Gumby. 

I still have most of my flights using P3DV4 and just dabble with 2020.

The other reason I like V4 is that I can use OZx with AU V1.

I am not sure what will happen if I have to do a reinstall and if I can still install AU V1.

Saying that I am currently flying XP-11 over LA! :rolleyes:

Well there seems plenty for all simmers to occupy themselves

with these days, especially you poor folk in Vic.

Let me guess, no cases in your township???:blink:



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Great shot, MSFSMartyn.


1 hour ago, adambar said:

I can see the movement of the, ah, it's just the foam on my glass of beer, hehehe.

A suitable enrichement to simming, with nice immersion it sounds.


1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

The other reason I like V4 is that I can use OZx with AU V1.

I use p3dv4 with AU_v2 and OZx, no problem. And, guess, do I like it?

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