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Orbx Central not starting

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Many times today when trying to install Orbx central, I have been frustrated by the lack of its ability to install. A window appears that says it's Loading... Loading products & Libraries...  then nothing, it just hangs for ages until I eventually get fed up and cancel it. I have tried to open it as administrator and still no difference. There is nothing wrong with my top range PC or my network which are both super fast.


So, over to those out there that may want offer an excuse.. err, sorry, a solution.  

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it reads as if it is installed but that it will not start, is that the case?

If so, it could be that it has generated a log.

If so, it will be at C:\Users\your name\AppData\Roaming\Orbx\Central\central.log.

If that file is there, could you attach a copy of it to your next post please?

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Hi Nick,  I'm encountering a similar situation. Have just installed new drives and cannot get to my past purchased sceneries.

I looked for a log but it's empty. Can you please investigate and advise. Thank you.



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Hi Nick

Similar problem.  My sim P3dv5 dropped to 5FPS, during my trouble shooting I tried to open Orbx central and it hangs.

Edited to add that I have emptied my Temp/Orbx folder - Not helped.

Central.log attached.

Thank you



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1 hour ago, Chann said:

Hi Nick

Similar problem.  My sim P3dv5 dropped to 5FPS, during my trouble shooting I tried to open Orbx central and it hangs.

Edited to add that I have emptied my Temp/Orbx folder - Not helped.

Central.log attached.

Thank you


central.log 17.3 kB · 1 download



Cannot answer for others here, but Central eventually loaded for me.  It just took a long time.
The sim issue was not Orbx related.

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Hi Doug,

I have just downloaded the latest Java version, I'm still have the same Java errors.

My PC is 2 weeks old.

Is there any way I can by-pass using Central?

At the moment I am unable to download/use the products I have paid for from Orbx





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I’ve been having this problem for ages. From time to time it will actually load- rarely - but it will be a one off. Downloaded it again and again, used the Orbx uninstall, waited for this latest version. The log to me looks a complete mess. It finds my Xplane location. The log finally errors on an Httperrorresponse. There’s also a line higher up about Version 4.1.34 is not available and the downgrade is disallowed. This is the first run updating with 4.1.34!


Orbx Central, for what it is trying to do, let you buy, update and manage products seems overly complicated. I used to buy a lot of Orbx product and there’s one I would buy today but they really need to give their head a wobble if they think this is a good interface into their products. I’m running Windows 10, all up to date and this is the only program I have an issue with.

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In that case the log isn’t capturing all of the information. It just perpetually hangs while loading the products, with the black screen saying it is doing that. I do have a lot of products but I’m giving it several minutes to load. If it was working three out of four times I wouldn’t be reporting it. I spent over an hour yesterday trying to make it work. It did not work once,

If the log is cumulative then perhaps nothing is being written when it just dies?
in terms of restarting it again I tried many times, and restarted my desktop several times between attempts.

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On 4/8/2021 at 10:24 PM, Doug Sawatzky said:

Hi Steve


No there is no way to by pass Central, but please see the topic below.




Just tried reinstalling the MS visual C++ you have suggested...

but Orbx Central still doesn't start and I get the same Java errors as before:banghead:


Shame there's no other option, looks like I will not be purchasing anything direct from Orbx again:(


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  • 2 weeks later...

So Nick did the developer add anything? Does he care. I religiously erase Central and install any updates (today .37) and it still hangs while loading. I can't get in to make any changes. Very effective in preventing me from ever buying anything I guess. 

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I have had a reply from a developer and he has identified what might be the problem.

He tells me that he will work on a fix.

Most of us, I am affected as well, can make Orbx Central work by restarting it.

You must make sure though, that it is not set to the default "minimise to taskbar" or it does not close.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still not working - and I've spent another hour in my life that I won't get back trying to try and resolve this. I did wonder if you might be blocking some country IPs (mine is Colombia) but perhaps not.


Looking at the log I see


'2021-05-14T15:01:38.099Z [INFO] [Central::SimulatorService] - Selected X-Plane 11 at path C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\X-Plane 11
2021-05-14T15:01:38.099Z [DEBUG] [Central::CoordinatorService] - Coordinator: onSimSelected fired.
2021-05-14T15:01:38.100Z [INFO] [Central::LibraryService] - Found 0 libraries.


So, is it hanging because it can't find any libraries? Like many users, given the size of the files, in particular TE I've your software spread across three drives - and I used Central to set those libraries up and to move them. Maybe some problem has come up on my drives (or you've changed Central) but if the lack of finding the libraries is what is hanging the program then that's just great design as I need Central to load to fix any issues with the directory/file structures.

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