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EGLC/London Landmarks killing FPS

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Just wondering if you can help...


I installed these two packs yesterday and took off from London City (in VR). Everything was fine until I turned to fly west, when the system virtually froze up. It did not actually crash, but just chugged along at about 2 fps. When I exited VR, Steam Home was doing the same thing, so it seems to have affected the entire system. 


Uninstalled the packs and everything was fine again.


After playing around with various settings, I have found that the Landmarks pack works OK on its own for about five minutes, after which the sim freezes again. With the airport installed, it now freezes up on the runway.


It's frustrating, because until this happens, the performance is fine and the scenery is excellent. It is as if something gets filled up behind the scenes, after which the sim refuses to work properly.


MSFS was working fine till I installed the Orbx scenery.


I'm on a 1080ti with 32g RAM (most of which seems to be getting used up).


Any ideas?





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what do you have Render Scaling set at and if you open the frame rate counter, how much of your RAM is the game actually using?

In an entirely unscientific experiment, the difference between Central London in view and Central London out of view seems to be around 2 GB.

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Thanks for your prompt response.


Actually, I may have been looking at the wrong thing - turns out RAM usage was less than I thought:


Sitting at London City, facing east - 12


Flying over central London - about 13.8. This doesn't change when it starts freezing up, so I don't think RAM is the problem.


This is with render scaling on 60, which is about as low as I'd want to go. I usually run it at 80 or 90 in the main sim.


Interestingly, just tried with the Orbx London City Airport loaded and memory usage was 18GB sitting on the runway! The game started freezing up as soon as it had loaded (whereas if I just have the London Landmarks without the airport, I can fly around for a few minutes first).


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Hi there,


something else to check is whether you have any other add-on for the London area installed (in your Community folder). There are some freeware Thames fixes and photogrammetry packages that would add to the overall load and also be incompatible.


I assume you have the new World Update GB and Ireland installed and active and our Landmarks package configured for it?


Cheers, Holger

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Thanks, Holger.


I don't have any other add-ons, and I did configure the Landmarks package when I installed it.


Eventually, I gave up and went back to flying without the package - and the problem still happened in exactly the same way! So I checked the MSFS forums, and it seems I'm not the only one:




People in this thread describe exactly what has been happening to me:




So maybe this wasn't caused by the Orbx package at all, but was an MSFS problem that just happened to start up when I installed Orbx. 


Let's hope they fix it soon!


Thanks again,



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You can fly without the photogrammetry enabled which will increase your fps rate and smoothness. Other things are screen resolution, variations in the default setting that MSFS determines like Ultra. High End etc. My setting is defaulted to Ultra but I then go and lower all the unnecessary  aspects that don't require Ultra like shadows etc.

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Thanks for the tip, Jon. I have tried fiddling with various settings, including the photogrammetry. Unfortunately, the problem is not just a lack of smoothness. The sim will be perfectly smooth for several minutes, even over very dense areas - then, for no apparent reason, it will have a sudden, total meltdown. If I am listening to a podcast when this happens, the audio will start stuttering too - which makes me suspect that there is something profoundly wrong somewhere.

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I think I have fixed this now. Just in case any other VR users look in, I will explain. The trick seems to be to fire up the sim and get the plane onto the runway BEFORE you start Steam VR or whatever it is you use. Previously, I had always started Steam VR first. Doing it the other way round seems to have stopped the freezes completely. Don't ask me why, though.


For some reason, the EGLC add-on still kills it whatever I do. I imagine this is something to do with the recent update and will be sorted out in due course. 


Now that I've had a chance to enjoy it properly, I must say that the Orbx scenery is fantastic. I hesitated before buying it, with Asobo doing their UK update - but the Orbx pack is a massive improvement. Really excellent work, and well worth the trivial amount of money I paid for it.





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