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Concrete Muni

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Hi EagleSkinner!


Thank you for your feedback!


As I see the topographic mesh could be improved at the high school tunnel. I wonder if the recent update of MSFS has made it worse? I have put two or even three terraform polys there to smoothen the area around the tunnel. It's not an easy task as the whole terrain starts to change chape. I see what I can do. OK?






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It would not surprise me if msfs updates did cause it. I seem to have to remove all community addons every time and re-install.

Couldn't we have something like FSX had, where the position of the scenery file in the library was easy to sort out? They have made addons so difficult to use - it's as if MS/Asobo would rather no one added mods...


Thanks Andreas.

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There is no reason to reinstall the addons. Just move the Community folder out of the Packages prior to installing an update, then move back when the update is finished. The update will have noticed no Community folder exists so makes a new blank one. Just delete the new and replace with the old one.

I am only mentioning this because you did state that:

"I seem to have to remove all community addons every time and re-install." which I am explaining is totally unnecessary.

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for what it's worth, each time so far that there has been an update, I have forgotten

this advice and so far, nothing in the Community folder has been affected at all.

An even easier way to make it invisible is to just add an X to the folder name.

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9 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:


for what it's worth, each time so far that there has been an update, I have forgotten

this advice and so far, nothing in the Community folder has been affected at all.

An even easier way to make it invisible is to just add an X to the folder name.


Nick, if you add an X to the Community folder name or rename it does that break the Orbx Library links?

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