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Reinstall made for updates?

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I've noticed that there are updates available for most of tthe aircraft in nmsfs. But when I go into Content Manager it tells me that a newer game version is required to update. Does that mean a complete uninstall/reinstall?


Also, where can I find my msfs version number?


Thanks, Don.

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1 hour ago, donbrindles said:

Does that mean a complete uninstall/reinstall?

Hello Don

Start - All Programs - Apps - Microsoft Store

When store opens, click on the 3 dots top right, then Downloads and updates, will show update available.

You do not need your MSFS version number, it is in your Library

My update was 15.69GB MSFS will not start without doing the update.

MSFS store updates.jpg

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Perhaps the OP is referring to the message seen in the upper screenshot. While the Content Manager shows the base sim current, there are several entries as shown stating, "NEWER GAME VERSION REQUIRED TO UPDATE." After reading this thread, I checked the Microsoft Store update area on my computer as Smudger illustrated (and for Don, where you can find the version number as shown in the second screenshot) to ensure I'm current, then opened the sim/game and went to the Content Manager, where I saw those messages.


It seems this is an issue of some duration as evidenced by several threads in the MFS forum. Here's a link to one. Perhaps the 
"Update Required" is a placeholder for when the next update rolls out next Tuesday and that this will all get updated...until a bit before future updates.





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Brad, when the next update comes out, scheduled for next Tuesday the 24, that's when you should see the update available in the store as well as the sim.


For others reading this thread, you always want to go to the Microsoft Store app for the pre-update content for MFS there before opening the sim. If you don't, the sim will simply send you back to the Store first before it will allow the rest of the update through the sim

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On 11/19/2020 at 6:38 PM, Gulfstreamtwo said:

Perhaps the OP is referring to the message seen in the upper screenshot. While the Content Manager shows the base sim current, there are several entries as shown stating, "NEWER GAME VERSION REQUIRED TO UPDATE." After reading this thread, I checked the Microsoft Store update area on my computer as Smudger illustrated (and for Don, where you can find the version number as shown in the second screenshot) to ensure I'm current, then opened the sim/game and went to the Content Manager, where I saw those messages.


It seems this is an issue of some duration as evidenced by several threads in the MFS forum. Here's a link to one. Perhaps the 
"Update Required" is a placeholder for when the next update rolls out next Tuesday and that this will all get updated...until a bit before future updates.






That's really helpful - exactly what I'm seeing in Content Manager. Let's hope upcoming updates sort it,



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On 11/19/2020 at 3:58 PM, Nick Cooper said:


Hello Don,

I am intrigued as to how you can get MSFS to start without updating itself,

my copy certainly will not do so.:smile:


Nick, MSFS starts and runs as usual despite this issue. During the boot up it does the usual check for updates, then goes to the game interface. Let's hope the upcoming update sorts it out,



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Well Well! I contacted MSFS Support about this, and their reply is:


"This message simply means you'll need to wait for a new update of the game before having to download and install anything."


Wouldn't it be good if they pinned a note to the Content Manager page telling me this - it would have saved much angst!


Hope this helps all others who have shared my angst,



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