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Scotland and Scotflight

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It looks like Scotflight have retired! If my guess is right I would like to thank them for their excellent previous add on products and their honesty about not taking advantage of a massive marketing oppotunity which MSFS represents.


I am sure Orbx are well aware of the situation.


Are there any plans for Orbx to produce Scottish scenery? My visit to view the Old Man of Hoy revealed that is an area not well represented in the new sim?

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Is this freeware for Orbx TE endorsed by Orbx?


If so - should some - if not all - be offered by Orbx in the freeware section -- and  offered to customers

with TE North ?


Subject to installetion by Central - to avoid so many problems created - as pointed out 

by Nick on many occasions - installing freeware ??

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10 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Hello John,

anyone is free to install anything that they wish to but Orbx do not endorse

anything that cannot be installed by Orbx Central.



Hi Nick


exactly why I asked the question - maybe -- at the same time as the question - I 

was just trying to make a suggestion for something for Orbx to think about :rolleyes:

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