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Hi went for a trip to the above Airport and then flying North came to a big large Plato that rose quite sharply then flattened with water on the top part. Also it had some sort of building on the side that did not look right also. Sorry forgot to take a picture of it. Perhaps someone could go there to check it out maybe. It certainly didn’t look right. Thanks Derek 

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Hi Donka yes just had another look and it’s still there. Looks like a a big lake on top off a flattened mountain. Plus anybody know what the pause key is, if there is one and the key to take a picture of said item. Seems my keys are all over the place. Thanks Derek.

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I guess you mean this Derek? This seems to be an elevation/mesh fault. There are also some smaller lakes in the vicinity on such funny plateaus (circeled in red).




Edit: just found a few others of these abnormalities on the Shetland Islands. E. g. Around Lerwick/Tingwall airport (EGET) there are a few of them.

Orbx is desperately needed here! :)



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Hello Derek,

there seems to be a very large number of such anomalies in the northern latitudes.

A flight over northern Scandinavia, Iceland or indeed Alaska will not last long before

deep holes or indeed plateaux appear with water in them or on them.

It looks like the mis-match of mesh data of the terrain and vector data of the

elevation of the water, as seen at some northern latitudes in default FSX and P3D.

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18 hours ago, wolfko said:

Orbx is desperately needed here! 

Not sure if the developer 29palms has jumped onto the MSFS train yet. Not much information on their website and/or forum. Being a great fan of their work and having used EGPB quite often as a base for flights to Norway i would love to see it done though.

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