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Shotgun Steve

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I would be lying if I said I wasn't a little disappointed. With the term "hopefully soon" 


I would like to think a fix is very high up on your priorities,  because I'm probably one of thousands who have purchased this item, but it is unusable at night time.   ,

This airport  looks beautiful, but it is unfinished. 

I waited a very long time (years) for somebody to release LBA as I practically live next door to it. (and work air-side) . 


I was so excited when i switched my PC on and saw my airport on the Orbx main page.  I didn't even know it was coming!



thanks for understanding 

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  • 4 weeks later...
2 minutes ago, Jon Clarke said:

Not to my knowledge. Any fix would involve an Update notification in Orbx Central. We have to rely on the devs for any progress in this matter.

@Greg Jones has indicated it will be attended to.


No, we haven't released this fix as yet.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

I would like to say that I also suffer from the missing taxiway lighting etc at EGNM.

I purchased TEGB Central first and all the lighting was present and correct but after installing EGNM the lighting disappered.

I would also like to add to this and say that I have just purchased TEGB South and EGLC London City Airport and that has done the exact same thing.

Looks to me like a re-occurring pattern here. Can't comment on other airports but these two certainly have the same problem.

I agree with Shotgun Steve, this has been out quite a long time and would have thought this would have been addressed by now.

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For what it's worth, and having never been to EGNM or EGLC to see the areas of the airports where blue taxi lighting have been installed. Here are a few screenshots Orbx EGNM & EGLC.



The first SS is of EGNM-Leeds Bradford with default lighting and the second SS is EGNM with UWXP 2.5.1 with far & near lighting toned down and adjusted.


The next two are of EGLC-London City with the third SS using default lighting and the forth SS with UWXP 2.5.1 and the far & near lighting toned down and adjusted.

EGNM-Default Lighting.jpg

EGNM-UWXP 2.5.1.jpg

EGLC-Default Lighting.jpg

EGLC-UWXP 2.5.1.jpg

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1 hour ago, gordonhutchison said:

Still nothing on these taxiway lighting issues - woeful XP11 update/support from Orbx recently.


I'm 100% certain that if these issues were present on the P3D version of these products they would've been fixed by now.


" woeful XP11 update/support from Orbx recently" is a pretty sweeping statement and I find it unwarranted. You are referring to a specific airport with a runway lighting anomaly.

That said, you need to wait for further comment from the devs, in this case @Greg Jones

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Jon, your efforts in the XP11 support threads are noticed and appreciated - shame the same can't be said about Orbx actually actioning that into updates to remedy issues brought to light here.


And yes, I stand by my statement regarding how XP11 product issues are ignored whilst P3D product updates/patches are MUCH more frequent.


This particular issue was brought to the attention of (and aknowledged) by Greg in February, now approaching 4.5 months and nothing forthcoming on this glaring issue on a top-tier 30 dollar payware addon airport scenery.



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  • 1 month later...

I agree with you and as you are aware this has been reported many times now to @Greg Jones. The fix is a minimal effort but can only be officially done by the devs.

You amongst many reported this back in February and we received notice and acknowledgement from the devs about a fix "hopefully soon"

That has not happened to date. There is nothing I can do personally as I am only in the support section, but I will ask @Nick Cooper to raise this issue  again or at least give me the authorisation to post a very simple fix.



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Hi everyone,


I must apologise for this one. We actually created a fix for this back when it was first reported but the delivery appears to have slipped through the cracks. We'll onto this today, run some quick tests and have hopefully this in place by the end of the week. 


@Nick Cooper thanks for the email and heads up.  Can you merge this topic with other one?



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@Shotgun Steve      --        As you seem to be quite familiar with EGNM -Leeds / Bradford Airport, could you please advise me which screenshot is displaying the most correct placement of blue taxiway lights?

The first, or the second screenshot?


And how would interpret the attached chart excerpt of EGNM - Leeds / Bradford Airport concerning blue taxi-way lights?

Legacy_RG - 2020-08-20 03.22.56.jpg

viperjet - 2020-08-20 03.33.34.jpg

EGNM TAXIWAY Blue Lights.jpg

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Hi everyone,


Just to be clear, the patch has not yet been released. It's still in testing and there is one more issue that needs resolution.


3 hours ago, Shotgun Steve said:

This is what I am greeted with this morning. Pitch darkness on the taxiways. 

As a loyal Orbx customer I am bitterly disappointed to see a fully functioning EGNM has been ported over to Microsoft Flight Simulator when I have been asking for this to be fixed


The issues with one platform in no way correlate to another. The lighting systems for all three platforms are entirely different. Additionally, the work on the three platforms has largely been carried out by different team members. Admittedly this is an issue that should have been fixed some time ago. That said, the three versions are all unique products with a huge amount of work to make each work on their respective platform. Lighting in particular is just one of many systems where we need to start from scratch in each instance.



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2 hours ago, Greg Jones said:

Hi everyone,


Just to be clear, the patch has not yet been released. It's still in testing and there is one more issue that needs resolution.



The issues with one platform in no way correlate to another. The lighting systems for all three platforms are entirely different. Additionally, the work on the three platforms has largely been carried out by different team members. Admittedly this is an issue that should have been fixed some time ago. That said, the three versions are all unique products with a huge amount of work to make each work on their respective platform. Lighting in particular is just one of many systems where we need to start from scratch in each instance.





Thank you Greg and we do appreciate the hard work put in. And they are unique products requiring huge amount of work to make each work on their respective platform.

But it wasn't freeware. Its was advertised as a product and released to purchase.  But unusable during the dark hours (which is when its at its most beautiful.) 

I understand you're a busy team and I appreciate your updates, so thank you.  I will wait patiently for the fix. 


An X Plane Flyer. 

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@Sentry11   The top picture is showing the taxiways albeit rather dim.  My version does not show this.   However the circle shape (Juliet) is missing at the top of delta.

You need to look at an ariel view to see what i mean.   As for the chart its basically saying taxiway guidance via  D3, B, C and E1 & 2.  All of them are holding points.

However the main hold at LBA is Alpha1 and there is no mention of that. Neither is it illuminated.  Also Delta1 ,  which is also not illuminated. and no mention of that. 

D3, B, C lead onto November, which isn't illuminated.   E1 & 2. lead onto the r/way. (The Echo loop at 14 end is illuminated)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hello I just logged on to X Plane after some time away. Really looking forward to a night flight from EGKK to EGNM,  Below is what I saw after landing,  unfortunately I could not complete the flight much to Vat sims dismay.  


 How do I download the fix/update please?  Do i have to select auto update in the settings?


many thanks. 



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If there is an update then it will be notified to you when you open Orbx Central.

If you have chosen the Auto update option then when you open Central it will install the update.

If you have not then you need to open the My Products section and scroll to the addon and click on it it and it will ask if you want to install the update.

The version I have of EGNM is v1.0.1 is that the version you have already? I need to ask because it has been a awhile since we were discussing this topic.

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5 hours ago, Vostflyer said:

For info, looks like an update has just been released.

That update has sneaked out without an announcement - or at least I can't find one. Curiously Jon was already on 1.0.1 so assume he must have got an advance copy or something. Anyway, off to check it out now, fingers crossed.


Edit : We have some more taxiway lights!

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