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TE Oregon

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I have a suggestion,  I'd do the same fly over of the second shot, and press PAUSE.  Then sit back, and watch as your ground graphics tighten up, come into focus, and full resolution.  What is happening on your system, is that your textures are not focused in,  fully rendered, and that is the blur (and the loss of what you paid for...happening).  So...I suggest as a system tune, to fly over the same areas you capture here....press PAUSE,  and what will happen, is that you will hear your hard drive get accessed, your CPU fans should ramp up, as you watch the scene come into full focus...AND...believe it or not, there will be autogen, that wasn't even in these shots...get rendered to the screen!  


You can then see what was missing....what was blurred and not properly rendered...and then,  start to slide all your WORLD three SCENERY slides back one notch.  Then...fly to another area close by...what I believe will happen, is that as you leave the view of the FULLY RENDERED visuals about you...you will again, find blur, autogen no loaded, roads jagged, white lined, curbside suburban Orbx roads and neighborhoods not loaded in...and you press PAUSE once more.   Wait until all sounds of your hard drive, and your CPU fans downplay...and you see nothing else pop or FOCUS IN...below your PAUSED flight.  Again,  move all three sliders to the left (painful ...I know...BUT....) and keep repeating the fly, pause...render...fly pause render...(with you sliding your three SLIDERS to the left, UNTIL...you no longer see your graphics start to deteriorate below you...and from the past pause, repeat, pause, repeat, you know that now all the custom autogen is loading in AS YOU FLY.  That's the secret and attempt here...you are finding truly out, what your CPU/GPU can handle in REAL TIME...'on the fly' rendering.


What's the sense of buying T.E. products, if you are not getting a fully focused 'in flight'; overfly.   I hope the above will help you to get your full money's worth out of all your T.E. and Regional Products.  One more tip...when you find out the exact setting (for your own unique system) where YOUR particular system can fully and completely render the screen at 80-200 knots overfly of scenery...you can then try raising the second and third SCENERY slicers to the one position to the right...UNTIL, you again, will fly over blurred and not-rendered-in graphics as you fly (animation) in real time.  Then, just back them down again, and you will have a much more satisfying visual experience, than cranking the slides...and getting ground blur,  autogen loss, roads not fully formed,  cars not spawning...the all of it.


This is how I exactly tune my graphics...I fly, pause...see the screen render...and adjust the slides until I can fly between 80-200 knots at or below 3,500 feet and the visuals are clear, crisp,  no blur deterioration (caused by the CPU/GPU that can not (assets) render fast enough at the knots being flown over it.


Being that you were flying a helicopter, and this was happening suggests strongly, that you are asking your CPU/GPU (at the moment),  more than it can render in Real Time, at your present settings no matter what they be.


A suggestion, sir! :)



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I have to be honest this response is maddening. I am not a first time flight summer nor is this the first time I’ve used my system. I have flown over many Orbx areas and none of them look like this. I just did a 44 minute video of Burbank which looks nothing like this and is fully rendered at all times. What you’re seeing is a replay so it’s already been paused and flown over the second time I think your answer is completely wrong and disrespectful.

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3 hours ago, Joel A said:

I have to be honest this response is maddening. I am not a first time flight summer nor is this the first time I’ve used my system. I have flown over many Orbx areas and none of them look like this. I just did a 44 minute video of Burbank which looks nothing like this and is fully rendered at all times. What you’re seeing is a replay so it’s already been paused and flown over the second time I think your answer is completely wrong and disrespectful.

"Disrespectful???"   Whatever...I tried to help you. Enjoy your flights...

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Telling me it is my system and could not possibly be a problem with scenery is not helpful and yes is disrespectful. Did you even look at system specs. Not having this problem with any other Orbx including TE Northern California. Hard to enjoy a flight when I know something is wrong with product.

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3 hours ago, Joel A said:

Telling me it is my system and could not possibly be a problem with scenery is not helpful and yes is disrespectful. Did you even look at system specs. Not having this problem with any other Orbx including TE Northern California. Hard to enjoy a flight when I know something is wrong with product.

Joel, if you feel it is the T.E. product...then I'm sure, you'll contact Orbx resources to achieve your satisfaction.  Hope you come to a satisfactory outcome.

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Joel, being so experienced in your sim I can't understand why you have not noticed that you are missing tons of autogen and tress and that is why your pictures look so poor

The blue roads for example. That is the base the photo scenery that needs to be covered with autogen and trees yet to make it look as intended

For some of us the Oregon installer skipped  a folder with 3.5 G of product needed for a perfect display, I have the impression you suffer it too by the look of your pictures

So the recommendation of Orbx Flyer won't work in this case.

We first need to get that folder downloaded




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