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HUGE! GA on steroids


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When I saw Adambar in an airliner I asked myself; how long ago did I do a flight in an Airbus A320?

I had the Just Flight A320 Lite but that plane doesn't work in P3D v4 so since the installation of this sim, I didn't do any big planes. The last flight was in FSX in October 2016!

It's all GA, helicopters and a jet fighter (now and then) since then.


So... why not wipe the dust from my old Project Airbus and install it in P3D? Yes my friends, there is an airliner pilot in me. :) I still got the feeling with it and made a very smooth landing by hand at Cardiff.


1. So here it is. Quiet big and high for me. :)



2. And even higher, 16000 feet. The leg was from Manchester to Cardiff so no need to go to FL300.



3. Already descending.



4. Get myself some room to line-up the plane with the runway. Too much actually. :unsure:



5. But hey, it was a good line-up!



6. Nicely center line. Flown by hand. I'm proud! :rolleyes:



7. I even had enough runway. Landed at 140kts which I knew from memory.



8. Finally I can join the big guys at the gates.





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Thank you very much all!


12 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:

To hand land one of these you have to disconnect the autothrottle and really watch your speed.  Well done.

Thanks Jack. I disabled the auto throttle and AP in the base leg so turning finals and landing was complete manually.


10 hours ago, Stillwater said:

Changes like these keep us young, Ben. Well done!

Thank you Gerold. It indeed was a nice change of habits.


6 hours ago, adambar said:

with all the great scenery nowdays, I don't have much use for them

Thanks Adam. You are right indeed. What's the point of FTX when flying at high altitudes. I better fly in Open LC then. :)

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