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The big sale(s) stampede....

Orbx Flyer

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I'm sure that all of you know of the Oklahoma Land Rush...well...


With the advent of MSFS 2020 on the near horizon...I predict there will be a ***STAMPEDE*** of present scenery houses, that support P3D, FSX, and XP11...in pretty aggressive scenery and airport sales, in the next coming 6 months...and not only them...for we are finally not at the beck and call,  of hardware...namely Graphics Cards....so I predict...that such folks as nVidia and their manufacturing partners  are clearly seeing the writing on the wall, with THE CLOUD...coming...and you will start to see pretty aggressive price $$$$$$$$$$$$ reductions, on all their current graphics card families....


With MSFS 2020 coming...we are no longer held hostage to whatever price ****THEY**** want to gouge us at...for (my personal opinion), we are no longer going to be 'worked' to buy the latest and greatest GPU, combined with whatever form or RAM they slap onto the card.   I own a EVGA 1070 FTW card...and I am absolutely sure, that I will get all the great visuals that are coming our way...for I have already taken care of the most critical as I see the Dev's calling it out....the most critical factor, is not your present card...but your present ISP download speed.  At 380 Mbps, I'm good to go...


EVGA 1070 FTW/380 Mbps.....Microsoft....bring that baby to my system....ASAP!   I'm ready!


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So much to say, so much of it wrong...

1. No-one is forcing you to buy anything.
If a product isn't in your price range, you can freely choose not to buy it.


2. The flight sim community barely registers a flicker in terms of sales for PC hardware, we number (at a guess) at around 500,000 people total on all flight sims.
(I'm excluding the FSX Steam numbers as there is plenty to suggest that they are casual users whose main purpose is not flight simming).
To think that nVidia is going to reduce the prices of their GPUs because of us, rather than solid competition from AMD and the resulting loss of sales, is rather naive I;m afraid.

Yes, we're probably going to see a fire-sale of add-ons for many FS platforms in the next few year. Tech moves on and so must developers' offerings.
I hope quality developers like Orbx have a decent revenue stream to tide them over until they are in a position to offer next gen products for the next gen sim in MSFS.

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I'm not waiting with bated breath for MSFS.  Frankly, I'm still satisfied with FSX, improved greatly by ORBX, AS16, PilotEdge, VoxATC, and other add-ons that make for a realistic simulator.  I run my Sim on two networked computers, one runs the Sim, the other the cockpit.  


737NG is, I think, right.  Hardware developers are not overly concerned about the FlightSim world, we're only a blip on their screen.  The "Gamers," with their " shoot-em-ups " are the money makers for the hardware folks. We benefit by riding on their coattails, since most of our hardware needs are similar.  I don't think that the new MSFS will change this.  


If successful, the new MSFS may turn into a major player, but it will not be the ONLY major player.  OK, FSX is old (like I am), and possibly not too much longer for this world, though I wouldn't count on it. But there is still P3D, X-Plane, and others out there.  Odd to say, but the Flight Sim world moves both quickly and slowly, and backward compatibility is very important to users who have invested a lot of money in their current simulator setup, as I have.


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