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LFJF Courchevel / wrong runway slope


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  • 5 months later...
12 hours ago, Martin-T- said:

So how does it look? Anybody got any screenshots or vids?

Please note that the addon is designed for use with XP Default scenery. Any use with Ortho4xp scenery may/will have potential for minor anomalies. There are no plans to make the addon totally compatible with ortho4xp imagery/mesh as the ortho4xp imagery will have been taken from a Provider (like Bing or Google) for which Orbx has no licensing agreement.


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@JoHn: Thanks for you rGoogling, but I the vid was published in sept '19 so this must be before the update. The vid vlearly shows a sharp angle when on the takeoff roll RWY04, and when approaching RWY 22 it is a very small "flat" portion only extending to just after the white runway markers,

Whereas the real runway is quite (as in relatively...) flat in the touchdown zone, (extending to well after the 2 touchdown markers) and the point where the steep rise ends towards the platforms on either side , has quite a large radius.


I really want this scenery for eyecandy, but if the runway is not improved from the one in the YT vid, I think the freeware is still the better deal as it is modeled more realistic. (But again, as I have not seen ANY pictures/vids of the updated version this is only assumptioning from  my side.)


@Jon: Thanks for your reply, your products are top notch, but before I buy I just want to see the main feature of this product. (Which for me is an accurate represention of the runway)

In this picture the radii and exact locations of the inclines are most clearly visible:



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Well, the last time I flew it it was acceptable.  The updated version is a bit more angled than the real thing but not as angled as the initial release.  The touchdown zone is a bit too short still.  I think it's to do with the difficulty of modelling over the tunnel at the bottom.


Anyway I just found 3 or 4 videos on Youtube that have been posted in 2020 which show the updated version.

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@Sentry11: Thank you for your great views, and vid! Great choice of livery on the PC-6, my favorite as well!

@John Dow: Thanks for pointing me to the 2020 vids, some deeper YT searching made me find them eventually


So the verdict is:... I'm sold!  :D I'm downloading it as we speak!


Now if there would be a way to have the freeware and Orbx scenery existing besides each other, with a choice of which to load per flight we could have both the snowy winter and green meadowed summer season...

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