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CityScape Honoluolu Crashing in Mid Flight


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What a bummer!  Approaching PHNL at night with rain, about to turn final onto 8L at 1500 feet, no one around, and the sim gives me the "Crash" message and then returns to default flight.  This has happened two nights in a row.


I expect things like this with inferior products.  Have a ton of ORBX products, all shapes and sizes, and have never had this happen before.  Is this a product rushed out before enough testing, like the "others" do it??  Hope not.  Very disappointed.  


Please help.


Regards,    Stew Leber



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Unfortunately, this also happened to me when flying JustFlight's Cessna 152 around the military base at an altitude of approximately 2500 ft.  The aircraft speed was normal for the conditions, and I've never crashed that plane before.  I like my realism settings high, so I don't fly "ignore crashes and damage".  It's only happened once, so I can't say it's definitely a bug yet, but otherwise absolutely fantastic product.

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2 hours ago, DrJB said:

around the military base at an altitude of approximately 2500 ft



Thank you for your kind words regarding the scenery! Crashing into an invisible object/obstacle: Do you mean the Pearl Harbor naval base or another place? I tried to reproduce it around PHNL and its wider surroundings at several altitudes with detection on but as yet to no avail. I really would like to help you both but it's hard to find something invisible (particularly when you're not crashing into it like me). Honestly, I wish there would be a realistic crash detection system that works - for the sake of realism I mostly have it off when flying for pleasure since the early days of FSX.

However, I'm nevertheless further investigating into this.

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4 hours ago, DrJB said:

Unfortunately, this also happened to me when flying JustFlight's Cessna 152 around the military base at an altitude of approximately 2500 ft.  The aircraft speed was normal for the conditions, and I've never crashed that plane before.  I like my realism settings high, so I don't fly "ignore crashes and damage".  It's only happened once, so I can't say it's definitely a bug yet, but otherwise absolutely fantastic product.

Do you honestly believe the sim's crash circumstances are real?  It is certainly possible to fly the sim realistically with the "ignore crashes and damage" setting turned on.  It causes more headaches and fruitless searches for its cause with the setting turned off.

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The crash detection part of FSX and P3D was never designed for today's complex sceneries, built from thousands of files from libraries and custom made, each with its own peculiar crash box.  That is why it is virtually impossible for a developer to make a scenery that does not include some errors in crash detection.


Flying with crash detection on is no more realistic than with it off, so the advice is to turn it off and enjoy your flying.  You will know when you've crashed, you don't need a poorly performing algorithm to tell you.

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this discussion is very interesting!


i can confirm that i loaded up my new P3Dv4+ Orbx Honolulu with stock BlackHawk heli & 'crashed' whilst mid air - quite a few times...


looked up Orbx support & found this thread...


yes i had 'crash detection on' - (i believe default setting)...


turned off 'crash detection on' - no more problem...


i then realised that this also happened to me at AuV2 Melbourne CityScape with R22...


never had a problem at Gold Coast AU CityScape - with very close building heli flying...


some sort of elevation data glitch - i assume...

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3 hours ago, craigeaglefire said:

i then realised that this also happened to me at AuV2 Melbourne CityScape with R22...


never had a problem at Gold Coast AU CityScape - with very close building heli flying...


Thank you for your input Craig. Interesting indeed. I "think" I've found a solution (Honolulu and Melbourne). :)

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Unfortunately, this also happened to me when flying JustFlight's Cessna 152 around the military base at an altitude of approximately 2500 ft.  The aircraft speed was normal for the conditions, and I've never crashed that plane before.  I like my realism settings high, so I don't fly "ignore crashes and damage".  It's only happened once, so I can't say it's definitely a bug yet, but otherwise absolutely fantastic product.

Do you honestly believe the sim's crash circumstances are real?  It is certainly possible to fly the sim realistically with the "ignore crashes and damage" setting turned on.  It causes more headaches and fruitless searches for its cause with the setting turned off.


-Whoa Amigo, Mr. Stewart Hobson,  Hey, it wasn't my intention to trigger you.  I simply meant that I prefer to fly that way.  As a glider pilot, I understand the limitations of simulations.  Certainly, no sim can fully encompass the reality of any feeling of strapping an airplane on and scooting about  amidst the throes of wind, propulsion and gravity.  I just meant to say that I prefer the settings to be as real as possible within the constraints of my desktop virtual flying.  I do understand that it has extreme limitations.  I just like to know when I have a bad landing.  I never really have issues with "ignore crashes and damage" except when I do crash (For example a hard landing recently in the Q400 in extreme weather conditions.  As you say in your quote, sir: "different dog, different fleas"!  

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Hello DrJB,

apart from its consequences being far removed from reality, it is arguable that the crash detection function is,

like so many of the FSX features, not fully developed and not necessarily accurate.

Naturally you should use your flight simulator in whatever way you wish to, however the results may not be as expected.

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Thanks Nick!  Just an FYI to finalize the topic.  I've been flying around Hawaii a lot this weekend at low and high altitudes with no other issues at all.  Thanks for producing such a great product.  You guys at Orbx really have defined the visual quality that so many of us simmers are searching for.  Thanks for your efforts!





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Hi Frank et al:  Thank you so much for the prompt responses and helpful thoughts.  Yes, I do fly with "Detect Crashes" on because I feel that bad landings should not go unpunished, and bad landings are made by me a plenty.  I can turn off "Detect Crashes" which many of you think is the solution, but I would rather not if there is a better one.  Frank, in one of your posts you said you thought you had a solution to this "crash" problem with both Honolulu and Australia, but I didn't see anything further in that post.   Would love to know what it is.

Thanks again to all in The Community that were so fast to lend support.  At 75 I am behind the curve on tech acumen, and your assistance is really appreciated.


Regards,    Stew Leber

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57 minutes ago, FSStewie said:

but I would rather not if there is a better one

Sorry, but to most folks' knowledge, there isn't a better one.  Crash detection is a royal pain, and not really that realistic.  You're free to leave the feature "on", of course, but one wonders what the point is.  We all know when we screw up, and don't need some artificial indicator to tell us that we have done so.


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Thanks, Stewart.  Guess that's what I'll do.  Crashed again tonight while taxiing to gate after landing at PHNL.  I'll try and be a better critic of myself and not depend on the simulator to grade me.


Nice first name.  Spelled correctly too!  Have spent some quality time in Pacific Grove.  Beautiful spot.  Live 90 minutes north in Foster City.


While I've got you, is there any large airplane AI at PHNL in Citiscape Honolulu?  Don't see much action.


Thanks again for your direction.


Regards,   Stew

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