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True Earth South


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i purchased true earth south for xp in march and i only recently installed it and i get very poor performance, (MAX 13FPS) so i was wondering if you could take it off my hands and give me store credit to buy sceneries etc?


if you could make this happen that would be great



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welcome to the forums.

I think that it is unlikely.

However, if you would like product support, there is a wealth of information

already in the XPlane 11 support forum where you posted.

Some idea of your system specs would be useful and a lot more detail, such as

what kind of frame rate do you get elsewhere in the world, is the low frame rate

everywhere or just around major cities, where are your X Plane 11 sliders set,

that kind of thing.


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Yes, but unfortunately I am out of ideas at the moment.

Even with your PC specs, I would have expected a higher frame rate than 9 - 13 fps.

John Dow recommends deleting the contents of the Output\preferences folder,

except X-Plane Joystick Settings.prf and X-Plane Keys.prf.

You might try that and then try again.

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Can you try a flight out of EGTP or EGDC, in other words well away from London.


If you're flying anywhere near London (even more with EGLC active) it's quite possible your system would produce those figures.


But first up let us know how you go in the distant countryside.  And also, do you have turbo enabled in the BIOS?  I see that chip is supposed to go to 3.4GHz in turbo and some users have reported getting up to 3.9GHz by upping the FSB speed.  Google overclocking your motherboard CPU combination  such as in this thread:  https://www.overclockers.com/forums/showthread.php/748917-Gigabyte-H81-Mobo-Will-it-overclock



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40 minutes ago, Nick Cooper said:

Yes, but unfortunately I am out of ideas at the moment.

Even with your PC specs, I would have expected a higher frame rate than 9 - 13 fps.

John Dow recommends deleting the contents of the Output\preferences folder,

except X-Plane Joystick Settings.prf and X-Plane Keys.prf.

You might try that and then try again.

Ive had reccomendations to do this and it doesnt work


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what other addons are you using? especially weather?   I have 1060 with 8gig and a 6600k and I get much better fps in XP11 than you are saying even around london....xenviro eats fps at the moment for me so I use Skymaxx pro.....have you got XPAi on? if so how many?

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Yesterday I took a flight in the sim after being on the computer for a while, and my performance was pretty awful.  Maybe there were leftover programs hogging the memory.


So I rebooted the pc and started XP11 and TrackIR without starting any other program and performance was smooth as silk.


So check for running processes including antivirus type programs that might hog the CPU etc and disable anything not required... and see if that makes a difference.

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