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TE - GB unrealistic night lighting


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It's possible that the XP11 night lighting is not modifiable, like so many of the textures in the program that are the bane of my existence, like the excessive haze and the glowing trees.


The sheer number of objects might be the culprit, because as you fly over each suburb or town and the objects spread out, the effect is more realistic.


Setting the visibility distance slider has no effect on the distance lights so I suspect it might be a 'feature' (bug) of X Plane.

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Thanks John. However I still would like a developer to answer my question on this.


More than a week after my post none of the developers has commented on this issue. It is not acceptable to look like that and its certainly not "TrueEarth"


I still wait.

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21 hours ago, Tony Wroblewski said:

Are you using some sort of lighting mod or addon to modify lights, it seems much brighter than it should be


I had a look and this is how ORBX night scenery looks in XP11.  The visibility distance sliders have no effect, so all lights in the visible radius are adding to the lighting.



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To my mind there's not a whole lot of difference between your shot flying over the scenery, and the splash screen shot you see when X Plane loads.


So I guess it's a matter of perception as much as anything.

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Hi again,


Thank you for taking the time.


Tony I agree it looks much brighter thank it should be.. I have decided to reinstall xplane from scratch, so when I’m done with reinstalling I’ll check again and report if the issue is still there. 

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11 minutes ago, Gabe777 said:

Get yourself a scenery enhancer app - that can change visibility and light lighting intensity - try the .org. Many are free.


Thanks Gabe777, I may try that, however its ORBX work to make it look 'True Earth'.

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Orbx will not edit default Laminar files to improve the look of default features. Therefore you need to edit the files yourself or do as most other people do and download something better from x-plane.org.


I recommend https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/36455-better-lights-x-plane-11-v2/ for more realistic night lighting brightness at altitude.


This to extend the distance the lights appear at altitude. https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/50130-extended-night-lighting-europe-edition/


And this to make it so that not every road in Europe has lights on them because that's not what they are like in reality.

http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/sites/www.x-plane.at/files/Highways/European Road Lights 3.0.zip

The above is linked to from this page http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/Highways



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And X visibility, (together with FlyAGi if possible), gives you lots of control over X plane, incl True Earth.


They are the only ones I use.


Orbx is same as Ortho with overlays, or any other scenery. So a lua script will allow you to tweak stuff. I am 98.3 percent sure of this.


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