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PNW Scenic Mountain Excursion


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These are various mountain related images from my trips around the PNW area. I don't remember where each image is taken from so no accurate subtitles... No planes visible - just PNW.

01. Nice ski resort

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02. Detail is amazing

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03. Looks majestic

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04. St. Helens Area I

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05. St. Helens Area II

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06. St. Helens Area III

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07. Glacier I - most likely near Mt. Raleigh

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08. Might be from Olympus

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09. Olympus area as well - I think...

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10. This is my absolute favorite, I don't think it could look any more real

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11. Some mountain from more distance

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12. Glacier II

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13. Glacier III

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14. Whistler area

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15. Near Whistler also

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16. Stone mountains?

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Can't see them. When I copy & paste the links to a new window I get an 403 Forbidden (no permission to access) message.

For some reason people from Germany cannot see my pics... Mayby it's because of the country code .cc? Banned in Germany?

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Guest Northwest Pilot

Dang, I can't see any of the images either. Just a gallery of red x's.

I can't see them either.  ???

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Excellent set of captures - thanks for sharing.

I opted for the DVD release, partly to let all the frenzy pass, but also due to quota restrictions ....... BUT .......  it's getting to be unbearably difficult when you guys post shots like this !!!!!

Patience grasshopper!!!!  :P  LOL  ;)


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