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Pago Pago trees

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Sorry about this, but another "is this right?" question. Since my clean install of 4.5, and then a reloading of all my other scenery, I've been checking out some of the places I rarely fly to see how they all look. Just tried NSTU and these trees don't look right to me. I reinstalled HD trees as well as Global when I put all my ORBX stuff back on via Nick's technique, and I don't have any other tree products in place (I didn't put TerraFlora on to the 4.5 system) so I'm a bit puzzled. This certainly doesn't look like the screenshots on the OrbxDirect page for NSTU, and it's obviously not just a question of colour tone. So, once again, I'm asking for suggestions (apart from the obvious ' - off and stop bothering us' <grin>)



thanks in advance

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18 minutes ago, Smudger said:

Andy, you do have Dynamic Vegetation unchecked in Options ? :unsure:

Yep, definitely off.


I think I'll try deinstalling and removing HD Trees and then download and install it again from scratch - see if that improves things.

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OK, looks like another "live with it" thing. Shame though, as it really kills the otherwise rather splendid felling of immersion. I did try a reinstall of NSTU and that didn't have any effect, and I also tried all the seasons to no effect either. Thought I'd check out TAP as that felt like similar terrain but this lime-green tree thing doesn't occur there, so it does feel a bit weird. But, hey - whatever I guess.

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Hi Andy,


Make sure you have vegetation shadows set to cast and receive, below is an example of the changes

Having said that, I do have a update planned for NSTU after my next project is released, and I will revisit the vegetation cover for the P3Dv4 version, as systems are getting more powerful and P3D is becoming better optimized I think it could handle the style seen on the other two islands of Tau and Ofu





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On 6/21/2019 at 12:36 AM, Tim Harris said:

Make sure you have vegetation shadows set to cast and receive, below is an example of the changes


Ah, yes. I have them set to cast but not receive, I think. I seem to remember this was done to reduce the cruciform appearance of them at other airports or something. I'll go back and experiment once the PC has finished downloading TE Washington!


Thanks for this Tim, it certainly hadn't ocurred to me to check that.

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