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NZSI and NZNI scenery causes plane to crash / sim to reset

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Since installing NZSI and NZNI after the May 'suck me in sale' (it worked I purchased quite a few little goodies from Orbx) my NZ flights now crash mid air and the flight resets to the latest save state and prior to that the default.  I have read of a similar issue being described as the plane hitting an invisible wall about 10mins into flight.


I have flown NZ in the PMDG 737 and 747 prior to purchasing these sceneries and had no problems.  I have also been flying on VATSIM using the default Mooney Bravo plane with no problems (although that has only been in the NZ North Island though.


But when I fly my PMDG 737 (NZQN to NZWN) and now from NZWN to NZAA I get about 10 mins (if that) into either of these flights and it makes a crashing sound then resets to the last saved scenario (normally the "Ready for Takeoff" RFT scenario I create just before I take off).  Prior to having a saved point in the current flight it would default me to the P3D V4 default flight.  Another flight from NZCI to NZWN repeatedly suffered the same fate - a crash sound, the plane freezes in the air and then the view has switched to outside view automatically and then the sim reloads the saved scenario.


If I restart the program P3D V4 to clear out all libraries or files loaded into memory it still does it.

Running all programs as administrator - it still does it.

Reconfiguring using FTX central - it still does it.


I have not tried to fly the 737 in any other country eg Australia so cannot confirm if it is now limited to just NZ flights or everywhere!  There have been no other changes to the SIM / PMDG add-ons and I have not purchased any other add-ons.  Orbx add-ons have been my only indulgence (being based in Western Australia and also being a Kiwi - I have not been inclined to load up on any Euro or USA airports - but the May 1/2 price sale did get a lot of my attention - hence now my problem!


I am getting frustrated that I can't find a fix in the forums!

Thanks anyone that can help me


Trans ID: 5ce3da5a08730


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Hi Doug - thanks for giving me a solution mate :)


My complaint is now addressed to Orbx (seeing as this is the only way I can voice myself to them).  I'll have to do that I guess - although it's disappointing that in order to get their product to work I have to scale back the operational scope of my flight simulator.


What this means for me is that I don't really get to test myself if I'm flying / landing properly because it means I could easily be making landing errors which I feel is like cheating on my development as a sim pilot.  Part of the enjoyment of sim flying is making sure I can land the plane without making it crash so to turn off crash detection means I no longer know if I'm flying poorly / my landings are shite.  It's a pity this is the only way out of the problem.  I obviously don't know how long this has been going on but if it's a known Orbx thing I do wish they'd step up and maybe get this addressed rather than make us buyers of their products have to reduce the operational facets of our software in order to make their product work.

I am inclined to want to go online to review the products if there is somewhere to do this because other buyers need to know that they might have to turn off crash detection if they buy these products in order to get them to work.  I'm sure quite a few of them will not want to have to degrade the scope of their flight simulations and therefore won't suffer the disappointment I am now feeling.


Thanks for the reply and at least giving me a fix so I can keep flying Doug. I do appreciate you taking the time to help me out.

Kind regards

Paul Motu 



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Hello Paul, welcome to the fotums.

It is not an Orbx problem, it is a poor creation of Microsoft and Lockheed Martin and is as old as flight simulation, there is no way to create a realistic crash with wheels and props coming off and the aircraft skidding to a halt.

It is far easier to switch Crash Detection off than to have the Sim reset itself. You will know if you have landed smoothly or not, we have all started with Crash Detection on, as that is the default setup but soon learn the benefit of it switched Off.

Do not feel disappointment there is nothing to be gained, just enjoy the flight and take care landing :unsure:

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4 minutes ago, Smudger said:

Hello Paul, welcome to the fotums.

It is not an Orbx problem, it is a poor creation of Microsoft and Lockheed Martin and is as old as flight simulation, there is no way to create a realistic crash with wheels and props coming off and the aircraft skidding to a halt.

It is far easier to switch Crash Detection off than to have the Sim reset itself. You will know if you have landed smoothly or not, we have all started with Crash Detection on, as that is the default setup but soon learn the benefit of it switched Off.

Do not feel disappointment there is nothing to be gained, just enjoy the flight and take care landing :unsure:

+1  After all, we all know when we crash the airplane, and we don't need the sim to reset to tell us that.  :)

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1 hour ago, Captain Santa said:



What this means for me is that I don't really get to test myself if I'm flying / landing properly because it means I could easily be making landing errors which I feel is like cheating on my development as a sim pilot.  Part of the enjoyment of sim flying is making sure I can land the plane without making it crash so to turn off crash detection means I no longer know if I'm flying poorly / my landings are shite.  It's a pity this is the only way out of the problem.  I obviously don't know how long this has been going on but if it's a known Orbx thing I do wish they'd step up and maybe get this addressed rather than make us buyers of their products have to reduce the operational facets of our software in order to make their product work.

I am inclined to want to go online to review the products if there is somewhere to do this because other buyers need to know that they might have to turn off crash detection if they buy these products in order to get them to work.  I'm sure quite a few of them will not want to have to degrade the scope of their flight simulations and therefore won't suffer the disappointment I am now feeling

Paul Motu 



well   most  forums  tell  you  to  turn off  crash detection

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Hi Paul


Yes, crash detection is a flawed feature (Gimmick) of the core simulator and was conceived before the evolution of 3rd party addons started becoming popular, and it does nothing to add realism. Developers have always done their best to accommodate it, but there are many instances where it is not possible with the ever more complex addons being developed, so it is probably not economically feasible for them to waste their precious creative time trying to fully accommodate a very unpopular broken feature.


  The vast majority of flight simmers would never tolerate a flawed crash detection feature that would shut down their experience without their consent, they know when they have crashed. I also believe that if the ability to turn it off did not exist, the flight simming business would also not exist. :)


So, I guess another way to see the reality of it is that some modern addons are simply not going to be fully compatible with ancient features.


A2A aircraft for example, have a more realistic consequence system, and it does not depend on the simulator's crash detection to be turned on.

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5 hours ago, Captain Santa said:

My complaint is now addressed to Orbx (seeing as this is the only way I can voice myself to them).  I'll have to do that I guess - although it's disappointing that in order to get their product to work I have to scale back the operational scope of my flight simulator.




we do see a regular posting of this complaint and almost everyone puts forward the

"I need crash detection to measure my ability and reflect real life" argument.

Apart from what has already been written which I fully agree with,

many complainants also fly PMDG aircraft, so I will leave you with this from the PMDG 747 v3 manual:




which you can add to your product reviews warning other customers of your perceived

shortfall in product quality.



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Thanks for the feedback and comments everyone.  Comments re PMDG recommendations also noted thanks Nick and point taken.


I'll take it all on-board and get on with it.


I do appreciate the fact that you all have taken the time to help me out and contribute.  Hope I haven't kept you all out of your flying fun :)

Kindest regards


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