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Favourite flights

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I tend to repeat flights I enjoy.  Mainly because of the geography but sometimes because the the length suits me.   Do any of you do this and what are they?


I'll start.  I like to fly from EGCD Manchester to LGMN Nice Cote d'Azur.  The scenery changes so much on this flight along with the weather.  You can never tell what you're going to get and the landing can be quite tricky.  I usually use my little Phenom Embraer or, for a slower flight, the old Real Air Duke for these flights.  Then, to return, I fly back to my home aiorport EGGD Bristol, or sometimes back to EGTE Exeter.  I live on the coast approximately between the two.

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The flight I like to do, when not exploring the Orbx world,  is Queenstown NZQN to Milford Sound NZMF, using Orbx airports and NZNI. NZMF has several small and challenging airstrips included which are fun to fly into while in the area. 

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'when not exploring the Orbx world'


Don't you have Orbx New Zealand then?  Shame on you Roger.  Your own Country too.  Or is it your wording that has sent my awry?



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Yes John I have both North and South Islands. Got them as soon as they came out. I have also flown to and landed at every airstrip and airport. Over seven hundred of them. Orbx have done a great job and it is a great place to f:wub:ly. :wub:

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