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Blown up textures in P3D V4.5

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Hello.  I recently purchased P3D V4.5 and installed my ORBX scenery.  I have noticed the taxiway and ramp textures are all blown up like they have been stretches. I have attached two screenshots, one at KGPI which I purchased today and the other at KSFF.  Is there a setting in P3D 4.5 that is causing this?

KSFF textures.jpg

KGPI Textures.jpg

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I have discovered that this is not happening at all airports.  I have attached screenshots from KBZN and KBIL which look normal.  I have uninstalled and reinstalled KSFF and KGPI and still have the issue.  Both airports verify.  I have uninstalled NA Central Rockies and things look the same so I reinstalled it.  I am at a loss on how I can fix this issue.

KBZN textures.jpg

KBIL textures.jpg

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Yes, if you will.

Some airports use photo inserts instead of the FSX ground polygons, as I mentioned already.

They provide an exact replica of what was there when the photo was taken but they are not to everyone's taste.


YBBN and YMML are the same and have attracted similar comments.

Some customers prefer them and some do not, just as some customers like TE products and some do not.


KGPI does use ground polygons and I don't know why you don't see them.


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OK.  I just started up FSX SE and went to KSFF and looked at the ground textures.  They are the same in FSX as they are in P3D V4.5.  I'll keep troubleshooting on KGPI.  I hope an answer can be found.  I'm wondering if this is something to do with P3D V4.5.

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Yes that is what I was expecting to see.  Hopefully the developer can give me an idea of what is going on and how I can fix this. In my first post the top (first) screenshot is from KSFF GA parking.  The second screenshot is from KGPI.

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13 hours ago, Nick Cooper said:

Perhaps these two images will show you that your copy is not working as it should, as I have already mentioned twice.

These are what it is supposed to look like.



If I do this @Greg Jones then the developer should come along and tell you what is the problem.



Thanks Nick,


The high-detail groundpolygon (GP) is indeed controlled by ObjectFlow at KGPI. Judging by your screenshot, I can see that ObjectFlow is indeed working as you have grass and trees surrounding the airport which it also controls.


I can't think of a reason why the GP wouldn't be working for you in this instance. Could you perhaps take a couple of screenshots from a slightly higher angle. Also slew or fly around the airport to confirm whether the GP appears in any circumstances.


I'd suggest first uninstalling and reinstalling the airport. Beyond that, it would be helpful to know if you have any other addons installed that might affect the area such as other airport addons (freeware or payware) that might be interfering.









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The only other airport addons I have installed are three Flightbeam airports, KDEN, KPHX and KMSP.  What I have noticed it those three airports are at the top of the scenery library and cannot be unchecked (see screenshot below).  I will try uninstalling those airports and see what happens.  I do not know where the scenery in the Addon Scenery folder came from.  It was there after installing P3D V4.5.




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Those airports won't have any impact on KGPI.


I think your best bet is to uninstall/reinstall the airport. If the problem persists, post some additional screenshots and info as per my previous post.



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I have uninstalled and reinstalled KGPI several times already.  I uninstalled the 3 flightbeam airports, rebooted and there was no change to KGPI.  I have reinstalled the flightbeam airports.  I will attempt to get some screenshots for you from higher up.

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Thank you very much.  When I installed the flightbeam airports I forgot about running the sode manager.  It was not configured.  So now SODE is under addons and the airport is looking like it should.  Thank you again.

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Hi jfwharton,


I had an issue with KGPI regarding strange ground textures (white aircraft shapes on ground, etc). Turns out it was caused by  me updating the P3D v4.4 navdata using the Aero.sors Navdata Update program. Of course, this might not apply to you, but here is the fix I found that worked for me:



OK - I believe I solved the problem for me, at least. 

In the ...\Prepar3D v4\Scenery\0201\scenery folder I have the following two files that relate to the default KFCA folder:
APX17140.bgl and APX17140.bgl.ilsbckup

As I recall the ilsbckup is the actual base file, and the "new bgl" is from the MAG DEV / Nav Aids update out on the web ( http://www.aero.sors.fr/navaids3.html ) 

If I go back to the default bgl (move or rename APX17140.bgl, then rename APX17140.bgl.ilsbckup to APX17140.bgl , by removing the extension) KGPI appears in all its glory.


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@Doug Sawatzky Hi Doug. I just recently installed KGPI and I'm have the same weird surface texture issues. I checked SODE mgr and I get SODE not registered. I'm on P3D4.5 (not the Hotfix yet) and I always fly GA airplanes from ramps so maybe that's why I never noticed SODE not active. How do I activate? Pressing the Register! button doesn't do anything. I did find a SODE_InstallLog.log but I don't know what it's telling me. Is SODE an ORBX thing or a P3D thing? I have a ton of ORBX stuff...

Thanks for any help.


EDIT: BTW, I didn't use Aero.Sors (or any other navdata updater) and I turned OFF the  APX17140.bgl with no change.


=== Verbose logging started: 5/14/2019  10:08:11  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.10011.00  Calling process: C:\Windows\System32\msiexec.exe ===
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:026]: Resetting cached policy values
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:026]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:026]: ******* RunEngine:
           ******* Product: C:\Users\Bruce Buckley\AppData\Local\Orbx\FTXCentral\v3.3.6.0\SODE_1.6.4.msi
           ******* Action: 
           ******* CommandLine: **********
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:026]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:026]: Grabbed execution mutex.
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:030]: Cloaking enabled.
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:030]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:031]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:032]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
MSI (c) (98:64) [10:08:11:032]: MainEngineThread is returning 1618
=== Verbose logging stopped: 5/14/2019  10:08:11 ===


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No change. 

Just verified files on Libraries (and previously did that for most other installed ORBX FTX products. Using FTX Central v3.3.6.0

I also (before posting) uninstalled KSBA and re-installed thinking SODE would be activated with that product. No joy...

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Yes & the simobjects folder seems to have all the model folders & texture etc


I recently had a major problem with my P3D folder getting wiped by another product. I reinstalled ORBX products by verifying files. Should I completely uninstall FTXC3 and reinstall all products? hating that thought...

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@Doug Sawatzky That's what it took, thanks! I downloaded and installed SODE. Where can I find a list of ORBX sceneries that have SODE animations? The ORBX SODE_Data folder has entries for SBA, GPI and TURBULENT.

Does PSP? I'm wondering if I now need to reinstall and sceneries from FTXCentral to get SODE entries completed.

I believe I found my answer on the ORBX site. It lists 7 airports. 

Thanks again!

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