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ENNK - Missing buildings


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Ive bought the orbx norway pack. I run the fsx steam edition. 


I had to reinstall everything cause fsx wouldnt start anymore, before i reinstalled everything including orbx worked great. Now it doesnt, the scenery is orbx and everything works besides my airports, i only have the default airports but none of the buildings show, i only have runways and taxiways no terminal or orther buildings, i have deleted and reinstalled orbx twice today and still doesnt work. The libaries order is like it should. No other add ons besides orbx. Any quick fix?

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  • Nick Cooper changed the title to ENNK - Missing buildings
On ‎2‎/‎14‎/‎2019 at 9:58 AM, Holger Sandmann said:

Hi there,


welcome to Orbx!


Have you checked your "scenery complexity" slider setting? It controls the display of custom objects like those at airports and, if your PC allows it, should be at full right.


Cheers, Holger

@Holger Sandmann  Holger, what setting in Prepar3d.cfg does this scenery complexity slider setting correspond to, may I ask?  And is the in-sim setting for "scenery complexity" in P3D the same as we would find in FSX?  My instincts tell me the scenery complexity setting in P3D is more robust than in FSX.  Is this correct? 

Thank you.


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Hi Stew,


that's the "IMAGE_COMPLEXITY=" line in the [SCENERY] subsection. As far as I know its coding hasn't changed with P3D; the relevant section in the SDK has not changed either.



Minimum image complexity setting for the objects to appear. For example, objects set at NORMAL will appear if the setting is DENSE, but not appear if the setting is SPARSE.

Source: http://www.prepar3d.com/SDKv4/sdk/world/scenery/scenery_overview.html#Scenery Objects


Not sure what you mean by "more robust"?


Cheers, Holger

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14 minutes ago, Holger Sandmann said:

Not sure what you mean by "more robust"?

Thanks. Holger.

"More robust" was perhaps a poor choice of words.  Some settings in P3D result in more complexity or detail than a similar setting in FSX.  Not all, but some are characterized that way, was my understanding.  Off the top of my head, I can't think of the exact settings, but they had to do with scenery complexity or density of autogen and settings of that nature.  The tendency of FSX users to use the same settings in P3D as they had in FSX would result in an overall more taxing sim on system resources than the new P3D user was perhaps aware. 



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Hi Stew,


both autogen and scenery objects are displayed farther out in P3D (depending on cfg settings) and thus there may be more items in the viewshed than possible with FSX. However, the placement itself hasn't changed in terms of the autogen density and scenery complexity slider settings. With the autogen sliders, each step to the left culls a random 20% of autogen objects while with the scenery complexity slider, it depends on the "ImageComplexity" coding used by the developer.


Cheers, Holger 

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On 2/14/2019 at 12:57 PM, Evarvik said:

That worked. Great! Now the second problem, i also have ENNK orbx AirPort (Narvik) the runway is not showing, and my aircraft is falling through the ground. Looks like an elevation problem(?)




Maybe try a different control panel setting of the "Airport Terrain Harden-Platform"?


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