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There is a little strip called "Bear Camp Research" NE of Vancouver that will get your juices flowing,  downloadable from here https://www.flightsim.com/vbfs/fslib.php?searchid=66750401

Fly out of Vancouver or Pitt Meadows  heading NE after Pitt Meadows, and try flying into Bear Research camp.. (Nothing larger than a small single)..The Beaver is great fort this flight.. Good luck..Teecee.

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it is probably bc_research.zip.

Open Terry's link, go to new search and paste in either that file name

or Bear Camp Research.




FSX Scenery--Bear Camp Reserch (BC). This is a fictitious research center located

in the mountains North of Langley, BC, Canada. It is back in a canyon above Pitt Lake.

It is a short take off and landing field, with a 600" dirt runway, and vary challenging.



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Challenge accepted!
I got my PA-28 down on the second attempt. The go-around on the first...ended badly.
Thanks for highlighting an interesting airfield.

If you don't mind @teecee, could we turn this thread into a selection of 'challenging airfields' with emphasis on small airfields using GA aircraft that show off ORBX landscape and / or aerodromes?

With that in mind, how about Locher/Sarentino Airfield






Closest airport is LIPB Bolzano. From there you can fly directly north and enter the valley.

In short, the first landmark to look for is "Church hill". After that stay on the right side of the valley and look for the three sets of cables. After crossing 'Cables 3' you are set for landing. Going around is impossible. If you fail in your approach, apply full power and climb to the north until you find enough space to turn around. Landing from the south and taking off to the south are the only options.


And here's how to fly it in real life - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=43OXzp40Y_A


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Great idea to make this a "challenging airports"  thread, and my sincere apologies as I had no idea this was an imaginary strip.. I must have DL it with other addons.. and I have to be honest, this was more about flying through the valleys looking for the strip than the actual landing.. The scenery on the way up there is stunning.. Teecee.

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