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Gold coast + Gold coast cityscene OOM issue


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ORBX support,

Just purchased Gold coast airport and Cityscene. I am not able to complete a single flight from Brisbane Airport (also ORBX Brisbane airport installed) to Gold coast airport after trying more than 4 attempts. It kept running out of memory and FSX shut down as a result. I also owned global, vector, region Australia.

I have a decent system I supposed. Could someone advise what else can be done to avoid OOO/ or allow me to refund at least one of them ( I supposed w/o GC Cityscene the OOO might be avoided)?


i7-770k @4.2ghz

Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 32.0 GB
Name NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080

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gold coast scenery(the cityscene) is very high detailed and very demanding on the system, and with FSX being only 32 bit, pushes the VAS limits. while i haven't yet oom ( i assume that's what you mean with OOO). i do see it gets really close to the memory limit. not sure what aircraft you are using but if its a complex one then definitely its going to be very difficult. nothing to do with how powerful your cpu.gpu is . its unfortunately  the limitation of 32 bit system ( 4Gb) memory

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Hi capt sl, yes, typo.. I meant OOM. thanks for your feedback, it seems I will probably keep the airport (once I uninstalled Cityscene, there are no more OOM issue with just the airport alone) and work out an alternative with ORBX on Cityscene purchase (hoping to either get a refund/ allow to change for another airport/ orbx product).

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You have a well spec'd machine however you're bound by the limitations of a 32bit program ; most people believe the limitation to be 4GB which is true if you are on a 64bit operating system, however in a 32 bit OS, although the machine is capable of addressing 4GB of memory, it typically only allows 2GB memory per process, or 3GB per process if the 3GB switch is used. 


The issue here then is not your machine, its a limitation of FSX, an old 32 bit application that is long past its best, and as scenery and aircraft get more and more complex its only going to get worse. Given that you already have a nice computer setup, and the cost of Prepar3d is quite low, my advice would be to bite the bullet, install P3Dv4 onto a new SSD drive and slowly start the move into the 64 bit world. That way you can take advantage of the new scenery and aircraft without another OOM issue, whilst still leaving FSX available for your legacy aircraft. Also remember that your ORBX scenery has a cross platform licence, so if you own it for FSX.... you already own it for P3D. 



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  • Doug Sawatzky changed the title to Gold coast + Gold coast cityscene OOM issue

Get P3DV4.  Keep FSX for legacy flights and aircraft but you'll never look back.  For starters scenery like Gold Coast continues to almost the horizon, ut in FSX you get 5 miles at the most... etc.


I have FSX on one SSD, P3DV4 on another, I do about 20% of my flights in FSX, the other 80% are all in P3dV4.

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YBBN is a VAS grave, Cavin. I often had FSX crash there, even with a Carenado prop plane.

John is pointing in the right direction: With your maching p3dv4 should run well.


45 minutes ago, John Dow said:

I have FSX on one SSD, P3DV4 on another, I do about 20% of my flights in FSX

I have the same setup. And never used FSX since the installation of p3d...

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4 hours ago, Cavin said:

Hi capt sl, yes, typo.. I meant OOM. thanks for your feedback, it seems I will probably keep the airport (once I uninstalled Cityscene, there are no more OOM issue with just the airport alone) and work out an alternative with ORBX on Cityscene purchase (hoping to either get a refund/ allow to change for another airport/ orbx product).

Send through a support ticket here https://support.orbxdirect.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and we'll organise an exchange for CityScene

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