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6 and a 1/2 minutes to load

Alan R

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And that's just to get to the aircraft turntable. Every change in menu causes a "not responding" delay. Different aircraft? 2-3 minutes. New airport? 2-3 minutes. Change time of day? Yep. From that point we're only another 6 to10 minutes of scenery loading away from flight. Adding insult to injury, clearing the airport boundary after twenty minutes leaves me with no roads, no trees, little if any autogen -and what there is has vertical faces either black or totally transparent. On top of all that, the game freezes for 30 seconds after every 3 or 4 minutes of flight. What a mess. Where do I begin to fix this?
 I thought maybe other addons were causing incompatibility problems with my pricey new purchase so I gave Orbx a clear track to run on with a clean install of FSX. No help. It's Orbx that's causing it. With the fresh install I restored the Orbx files from a backup of the original ORBX, Effects and World/Scenery folders, ran FTX Central and received a good-to-go indication.
 I don't have what anyone would call a high end machine, but it meets minimum spec with a dual core processor running at 3.0, 4gigs of memory and a GTX 950/2gig video card running Win7/64. The game itself is on a Samsung SSD ( I know ..I know... But it's certainly not slowing anything down, either). Receipt #5b0128431bee3 (among others).

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Thanks Triplane. 4 gigs of ram is correct. I tested the product first, installing NorCal,  KHAF, NA landclass and global vector. It loaded fast(ish), looked utterly gorgeous and actually surprised me with how small the hit was to FPS. On the strength of that I gave my poor credit card a thrashing it's not likely to forget. So is FSX now trying to load the entire 200+ gigs of scenery I bought and that's why it's so slow and ugly? Would disabling/uninstalling areas I'm not flying over bring back the acceptable performance it showed on test? What's changed?

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Hi Alan, I do not mean to be rude but your system is very low end for these days. When you have all your scenery activated it is understandable that load time will be slow on your system however there are two possible solutions. 1. Untick all addon including Orbx scenery that you are not using for a particular flight (except leave all default scenery ticked). You can use a Scenery Config Editor to create profiles (search in this forum for instructions) or as I do, just manually tick and untick scenery as required, takes a bit longer but very simple and 2. Only install aircraft that you fly, as load times can also be effected by the number of aircraft in the library. Hope this helps.

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 I've finally got some time to deal with this;  thank you Bassman for the explanation, it was most helpful. It gave me a place to start.  After deactivating all nonessential Orbx scenery, loading times are no longer stratospheric and the game is once again responsive. All other issues remain unchanged. There are still floating red roofs at LOWI, black walls in NoCal and generally the whole thing looks like garbage.
 At the moment the files activated in the scenery library are: FTXAA_OrbxLIBS, FTX_AA_GLOBAL_AIRPORTS,  FTX_AA_KMRY,  FTX_AA_KAVX, FTX_AA_KHAF, FTX_AA_YOSEMITE,  FTX_NA_NCA05_SCENERY,  NCA06_CVX, NCA07_MESH, NCA08_CUSTOM, SCA05_SCENERY, SCA06_CVX, SCA07_MESH, SSCA08_CUSTOM, ORBXIOPENLC_NAMERICA1, ORBXIOPENLC_NAMERICA2 in the order that FTXCentral left them and all default scenery activated below. That's it. No other aftermarket addons anywhere to a bone stock FSX/Acceleration. Is that a correct configuration? The backed-up files were restored from an external HDD if that makes any difference.
 Thanks also Bassman (and all) for the lead to the scenery editor program. Unfortunately It requires Java, which I eliminated years ago and have no intention of reinstalling ESPECIALLY now that I've had to add an internet connection to my desktop in order to treat with Orbx. What a PITA it was to deactivate all those files by hand. It seems to me a major oversight on the part of the company that such functionality isn't simply a few clicks in FTXCentral.  I mean if ---

On 5/26/2018 at 9:51 PM, Bassman said:

as I do, just manually tick and untick scenery as required

the guys with the watercooled hardware need to do it.....
  So what next?

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Not a good idea to disable Open LC Base.

The scenery Config Editor is an invaluable tool.

Is there a problem with Java that affects you?

Otherwise there is "Simstarter" which is payware.


In normal circumstances it is not necessary to disable products in the scenery library.

I used to be a function of FTX Central to disable regions but the majority of customers

didn't like it, so after a great deal of time and effort, it was removed.

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Thanks for taking an interest, Nick. ORBXIOPENLC_zBASE now activated, but didn't make much of a difference. Flat roofs still floating above the sparse, black walled autogen buildings and sometimes blurry ground textures. Inflight freezes vastly improved, but still occurring. All scenery settings are per Orbx instructions

 This is the exact same scenery setup (minus all the other 3rd party freeware and UTX) that I first bought and installed as a test, and it looked (and behaved) BEAUTIFULLY then- as did the free demos that I tried even before that.

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Just clarifying, I also should have said that as well as all the default FSX scenery you also leave Orbx Landclasses, Vector etc ticked. I only untick Orbx regions and other 3rd party scenery addons not required.

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No worries, my Ozzie friend. That's exactly how I understood it.

What you should be apologizing for are the horrible things you said about my 2008 Core2duo CPU. That's NO way to talk to a 10 year old!! Now, the motherboard is two years older still, and better able to deal with that sort of 'rough language', but in the future, Sir...


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Crickets... This is the payware support forum, right? I was hoping to get a thoroughly crippled installation corrected if not Saturday a.m. then maybe over the course of a weekend. It's been 36 hours since the vendor's last response  It's Monday afternoon in OZ; presumably the A team is back on post. Rather than filling the time cracking stupid jokes I'd prefer to be enjoying my expensive new toy. Thanks to Bassman,  a kind (and gentle) member of the community, the game is at least accessible, if we can call it that.

 This thread is still marked active. Now that loading times are manageable, do I need to start a new thread in order to receive further assistance? Can someone please 'splain for a newbie how this is supposed to work here?

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Try reinstalling the Orbx libraries, it can be done like this:




1. If FTX Central v3 does not automatically update the libraries, you can go to

ORBX\User Documents\Versions\ and delete FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT .

Run FTX Central again and only the files that you need will be downloaded and installed.



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On 5/27/2018 at 7:52 AM, Alan R said:

Every change in menu causes a "not responding" delay. Different aircraft? 2-3 minutes. New airport? 2-3 minutes. Change time of day? Yep. From that point we're only another 6 to10 minutes of scenery loading away from flight





In general the more sceneries you have installed, or more precisely, active, the longer FSX or P3D will take to load the program and the flight.  The same goes for the number of aircraft you have installed and the effect on the aircraft selection screen loading time.


Please check you have the "DisablePreload=1" entry in your FSX.cfg file.


Here is an explanation care of "FSX Times"



When FSX is started, the default flight is also starting to load simultaneously in the background by default.   It is designed to speed up the loading process subsequently.

However, if an FSX system has installed a lot of sceneries or the sceneries installed are large and demand a lot of resources (such as Orbx’s sceneries), it is very likely that one will encounter short hang-ups while changing airports and/or aircrafts or adjusting settings, due to the preloading process taken place in the background.

To get rid of this irritating short hang-up, one can include the following line in the [Main] section of fsx.CFG to suppress the preloading:









If you have any issues with the way sceneries are displaying, please provide some screenshots with coordinates and clear descriptions of the problems, and I'm sure someone will be able to help you further.




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On 6/4/2018 at 7:54 AM, Scott Harmes said:


Please check you have the "DisablePreload=1" entry in your FSX.cfg file.


Different aircraft?1-2 seconds. New airport? 1-2 seconds. Change time of day? Nope.--Instantaneous.

That was Brill! HOW do you geniuses figure this stuff out? I'm in awe. So effective. SO simple.

 Now: 1min 15 secs to a rotating turntable, 1min 45 secs to load a typical flight. Let's call this one a win!

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 @Admins--Can this thread be returned to 'active' status, please? My fault entirely. Only a single issue has been conquered. On the graphics front, there's not much good news, I'm afraid. Re-running FTX Central added a download of 30~some GB of ORBXLIBS after deleting the .txt file.
  Little bit of progress though, in NCal, anyway. The black walls are now textured, roofs no longer hovering above them. Some foliage is back. Ground textures are still very blurry although they do sometimes pop into focus in fairly large patches -not necessarily under/near the aircraft though. Roads look a bit better, but nowhere near as realistic as they once did, maybe because I didn't reinstall UTX? I don't think I should add back anything else until the Orbx issues are flattened, Y'all agree? Sorely missing my Super Tucano...
 LOWI hasn't changed much, got a few things that look sort of like roads now and trees but that's it. Still a blurry wasteland. I haven't even bothered opening all those other scenes I bought. I'll try to post some screens; sure would save a load of time and energy to drag 'n drop 'em here directly.
  Scenery Library now includes: LOWI, GES_05 through _08, !EUROPE_LIGHTS, OPENLC_EUROPE1 through 10, and zBASE. Correct?


KMRYKMRY_zpsxndwzvsl.jpgNear KMRYnear%20KMRY_zpsasbq4lqj.jpgKHAFKHAF%201_zpsycdxz7rh.jpgKHAF 2KHAF%202_zpslcitllje.jpgDepart LOWILOWI%203_zpsbctmodm4.jpgLOWI 2departing%20LOWI_zpsoxr3vsma.jpgLOWI 3LOWI%202_zpsvd1ghom4.jpg

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what I am seeing is shots of a PC that is struggling to keep up with what it is being asked to do.

I have a couple of suggestions.

First, lock the frame rate to something realistic, 20 would be a good place to start.

If your PC is chasing frame rates, it does not have the time or resources to focus the scenery.

This applies across the board and not just to lower end PC hardware.

Secondly, zoom out to about 70%, you will see much more scenery and it will be much sharper.

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