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1WA6 - P3Dv4.1 - Runway/taxiways are grass


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9 minutes ago, Doug Sawatzky said:

Maybe try a "Force Migration" ?


Tried that :)


I am just reinstalling P3D v4.0 and ORBX PNW, 1S2 and LIBS (again) - this will be completely clean and may help in finding the issue.


Does P3D or FTX store scenery cache or anything like that?



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I have reinstalled P3D V4.0  etc. and the tree's remain just fine. I also restarted my machine and the tree's were there. So, I am now going to install my products one by one and see if any of the other airfields or addons etc impact the tree's

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I have installed quite a bit of addons and no issues - then when I installed FSPUIC the trees vanished. But this is not a definitive answer as when I sometimes reload the sim they appear. It's not all the time.


When I remove FSPUIC they show fine.


A machine reboot is required to test this properly though as it sometimes only occurs on a reboot and then restarting the sim. Not just restarting the sim.


I will continue to investigate a bit more - but can any of the developers understand why this may be?


I have installed as admin too, just pre-empting a person asking that question too :)


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OK - I have a question for the developers...


Could the PTA Tool be causing this? Is refreshes the shaders when you apply a preset.


My instinct feels like no - but me knowing how touchy P3D is, you just never know :)


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