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CTD after ORBX Global Base and Vectors install

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Hello Support


Frustration hitting new levels as I constantly hit "Flight Simulator has stopped working ........ Close"

Up to me installing Orbx Glbal Base and Orbx Vector my flights were all good and very little of the above including FPS around 60 on average,

What I wanted was to get away from the block scenery, block buildings that FSX dishes up.

Someone suggest ORBX . I started to see some change flying around in South Africa using addon airports generated by NMG.

Battled to get ORBX installed but now can see the FTX content content on my FSX Scenery .

Problem is as soon as I take off or even when on the runway the ssytem crashes "FSX has stopped working.....'

Flying mostly PMDG 737NGW on a fairly high end PC which include i5 6600K CPU 16MB memory 1060 Graphics card running off MSI z270 motherboard with 2x SSD etc

I am at tipping point and disappointed so many issues with a rather expensive bit of ORBX software. I seem not to be alone judging by number of support queries seen here.

Any pointers please - will be welcomed

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Hello Bill,

welcome to the forums, FSX is CPU dependant, not GPU, it is a 32bit programme and can only use up to 4GB of memory in VAS.

The PMDG 737 is a hungry aircraft in the VAS stakes, how far right are your scenery sliders ?

I would suggest using a programme like FSUIPC which has a remaining VAS measuring window and warning when VAS is getting low, if your problem is an OOM.

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It would be unusual to run out of VAS so quickly, but I have no experience with the PMDG 737.  Typically VAS crashes occur about the time you start to descend into your destination or even while taxing to your destination gate.  In FSX you can try flying with clouds and traffic reduced to zero and LOD at minimum with autogen cut way back to below normal,  See if that delays or reduces CTD's .  That will tell you if VAS is the problem.   If it is you can start raising the sliders one at a time to get back to something that looks better.  With high end systems in FSX its easy to fall into VAS problems with the sliders far to the right.  The VAS problem is one of the main reasons for going to P3D4.1.

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Good Day Smudger and Bullfox


Smudger - not getting OOM errors - just plain FSX shuts down with the comment "FSX has stopped working. Microsoft will advise if it finds error' something to this effect.


Bullfox - want to go to P3D4.1 - but you know have so much invested in FSX software - will loose most of it with the switch - only Orbx as I understand it I can take across. But hey all I want to do is fly and not spend more hours on fixing FSX errors etc.


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Global only replaces existing textures so there shouldn't be any reason for FSX to shut down.   Vector might be causing problems.  To test Vector as the culprit, untick the entries for Vector in your Scenery Library and try FSX again.


After installing Global, did you download and install the Libraries through FTX Central?


If you have FSX installed to the default Program Files (x86) folder it can be a problem.  Also, Windows folder permissions can also create problems with FSX add-ons.


If there's an error message it should have an error code etc, it will help if you post details of any messages to do with the CTD.



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Hello John


Will untick Vector and see what happens

Yes did download everything including libraries via FTX Central

FSX-SE installed in Steam Installed folder

Interesting that Scenery file for Orbx - located C:\ProgramData\Microsoft

No error code - just stops with message the FlightSim has stopped working - puts me back at Steam landing page ready to Run again

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Hi Nick

Event log after last crash to desktop

Do not know what it is saying - but note that i seem to be losing connection to internet - can this be issue.

Also another error at about same time about CPU power management


Flying PMDG737NGW with slider positioned as per suggested by ORBX

Running VAS display - not running out of VAS space

Windows 64bit


Intel i5 6600K - game overclocked (slightly) running at 4100Mhz - temp well in spec

16MB Memory dual channel


Crash 1.JPG

Crash 2.JPG

Crash 3.JPG

Crash 4.JPG

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Hello Everyone


I am flying around Africa - mostly South Africa - and wondering if ORBX have actually done any work on scenery in this area. Flying out of say OR Tambo Johannesburg I still see a lot of the what I suspect is standard FSX scenery - like square block buildings and then landscape square field patches. I see Orbx and Vector on the Scenery settings in FSX but scenery is not what i was expecting. So mu take on this is that ORBX have not spent resource to update the South Africa scenery. Comment?

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No Gentlemen I am afraid,

ORBX Global and ORBX Vector and PMDG 737 and Nvidia Surround (widescreen)(3 monitors)  does not work together.

 Cannot get better than 7 to 10 FPS with above - sliders as advised by ORBX.

 Non Full Screen get 70 FPS with same settings.

Burns me up that time and money wasted.


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Hi Nick - sorry maybe not clear.


Full screen 5760 x 1080 using Surround 3 off 1920x1080 monitors give me 5 to 10 FPS and even less than 5 FPS some times

Even reduced the sliders (from those recommended by ORBX)


Flying LFPG to LSZH - did show good textures (actually stunning) on a single 24 inch1920x1080 monitor (surround off


Just cannot find the sweet spot? maybe need a 49 inch 3840x1080 ultra wide 144Hz Samsung monitor to get value out of something like ORBX and get away from Nvidia Surround on the 3 monitors. My PC is pretty high end (top of the range i5 unit)


Thanks for sticking with me - maybe seem very anti - but I am trying to get right combo going. Actually just want to fly and less tuning and fixing.

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I run an i7 4790K at 4.4GHz, through a GTX970 into a 40" Philips monitor at 3840 x 2160 and I rarely go below 30fps.  In some really dense scenery it will drop to the teens but that is with all sliders over to the right.  I don't run a PMDG aircraft but I do believe you have to set your scenery sliders lower when using such a resource hungry aircraft, as the CPU only has a limited capacity.


The best way to confirm if your basic FX or P3D install is operating adequately is to fly the default 172 or similar aircraft in a reasonably open area, such as the American midwest, Australian Outback, European rural areas.  At your screen settings you should get at least 30 fps.  I would expect to be getting over 70 fps in those areas with my mid range pc.


Then, as you add your complex aircraft, weather programs, AI, Vector data etc, those programs will eat into your fps.  The only solution is to reduce scenery complexity.


However, if your fps are lower than 30 in the simple configuration, you might want to look at Affinity Mask settings, and also aspects of your Manage 3D Settings in your display control panel.


Hope this helps.

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Hello John

Many thanks for advise. 

My setup sees 3x 24” Monitors running nvidia surround. Think this is where my FPS is being lost. Then on top of that PMDG is heavy on FPS. 

So my levers are left centric and as result I do not get benefit of Orbx Global and Vector. 


Mid I go from i5 to i7 this will help. My board can handle the upgrade. Since FSX is more cpu intensive than GPU intensive. In fact my 1060 GPU is idling. 


Thanks Bill



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There may be results from going to an i7 but that's not guaranteed, as performance tables for the i5 often indicate that 'games' aren't affeted as much as photoshop and video editing programs.


FSX has been known to run better with some CPUs by turning off the hyperthreading, it did for me in my previous CPU.  However, this current i7 4790K runs better with hyperthreading on.


If you can loacte an i7 CPU that will overclock comfortably to 4.5GHz, and your motherboard is a quality one (I'm sure my $300 Maximus Hero is one reason I'm getting great performance out of my mid-range CPU and GPU) then you're in with the best cahnce of acceptable performance.  And if you decide to get P3DV4 it will also prove its worth.

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