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Fundamental differences of Global and Regional airports?

Mach 2

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Noticed only one Global/Regional interchangeable airport and that is San Diego. Catalina is a stand alone product that will install to either also.


What about ALL other ORBX payware airports. Is it possible to install say KMRY Monterey Regional Airport (Which is a Northern California region airport) to ORBX Global/openLC North America?

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G'day there,


The fundamental difference between a Global and Regional airport is the base product it is designed to blend with. Irrespective of geographical location, FTX Global Airports are designed to blend with the Global Base textures and/or Open Landclass, whilst North-American/Oceania/European airports work with their corresponding FTX Regional product. 


As you correctly point out, some airports have been designed to work with different base products; for example Palm Springs and San Diego can work with with either Southern California (region) or Global Base. There is currently one product that requires no base products due to it being a self-contained island; Catalina, however this airport also works perfectly if you have Global or SoCal installed. 


All airports have compatibility information at the bottom of each product page, these will outline exactly which base products are required. There are currently only a couple of airport products that work with Global or a FTX Region. 


Regarding those specific Base/Region requirements. Global Airport products rely on FTX Global Base solely for colour blending at the edges of their coverage region. Some Global Airports include additional content to add a "detail buffer" outside of the primary coverage area - this is to create a gradual transition from the low complexity of the Base scenery through to the highly complex airport coverage area. Innsbruck, Pago Pago (Samoan Experience), Eagle County, Telluride, Jacksons (PNG Experience Pack) and others are all examples of this; info on these extended coverage areas can be found on their respective product pages. 


Airports for FTX Regions are different, and generally have more requirements from the underlying Region products. Whilst these requirements can vary considerably from product to product, road traffic, colour blending at the cover edges, mesh resolution, and terrain flattens are all components that may use the underlying Region scenery. In the case of Monterey, the airport also relies on core airport elevation data from FTX Northern California; the airport will appear broken without it. 


In short, if you are happy to live with visual clashes at the edges of the scenery, Global Airports will generally work without Global Base. Airports for Regions are much more reliant on the base product though, and can have more missing features, or in some cases, totally broken content. Bear in mind that any issues that you experience from not having the corresponding base/region product are not covered by our support. 


Lastly, if you have any compatibility questions related to any specific airport, ask away, we'll be more than happy to help you out :)








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Thank you Jarrad for this useful explanation. 


Before reading this post I made the following assumption, which now I understand is wrong:

- I don't have global packages, only Full Regions

- I do have Germany North and South installed

- I assumed that the four German freeware airfields (EDBH, EDCG, EDVR and EO49) for which is described on their Product Page that FTX Global Base Pack is required, could also be used smoothly in my situation, because I have the Germany regions installed.


Now, after reading Jarrad's explanation, I understand that this assumption is wrong.


B.t.w. I did not install these airfields yet, so I did not notice visual clashes.


Thanks again for clarifying.


Best regards Fred

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G'day Fred,


The four German freeware airports were originally designed before GES and GEN were released, hence their reliance on Global Base instead. The only real issue you may find with GES/GEN installed is that the seasonal ground textures may not line up with the surrounding terrain in some months, otherwise everything else should be basically fine. If you are a regular flyer around Germany I'd strongly recommend giving them a go - as freeware offerings they are excellent quality and if you run into any serious problems, they are very easy to uninstall via FTX-Central. 




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Hello Holger,


Yes, you are right....I should have looked there. 

My excuses are that only a few days ago I installed GES and just forgot to look at the "FTX Compatibility Forum". 


After installation of GEN last summer I discovered in the same Compatibility Forum some very useful actions to be taken, because I also had the German Islands (Aerosoft) installed.

What a difference and improvements that makes when you carefully follow the instructions at file level. After every action I took a picture and then you can see the improvements.

Nevertheless I rolled it back for one of the Islands because an update for GEN is planned and then I will do it for all the German Islands.


This brings me also to the following fundamental question:

Should compatibility adaptions be rolled back before installation of an update or......and yes I know Nick's advice to create OFF maps and place the relevant files (the to be .OFF'ed) files in that map.


I personally think that you have to be very carefully in the area of compatability and upgrades.

If in doubt I think you can better rollback and start again after installation of the upgrade.


Best regards Fred

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Hello Fred,

one of the benefits of creating an OFF folder and placing the unwanted files into it

is that in the event of an update replacing these files, one can simply go to that folder,

copy all the files back into the scenery folder and then, while they are highlighted,

delete them all again.

In this way, there is no need to seek out the correct files again.  

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Hello Nick,


I tested it some time ago (outside my simfolders) when I read it for the first time, but I am not quite sure if this will always work in complex adaptions.

Nevertheless I do like your solution and in simple situations it will work, definitely. But I have to think about it.......(suspicious as always ;))


Regards Fred

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On 13-12-2017 at 7:54 PM, Sundancer said:



On 13-12-2017 at 7:38 PM, Nick Cooper said:

Hello Fred,

one of the benefits of creating an OFF folder and placing the unwanted files into it

is that in the event of an update replacing these files, one can simply go to that folder,

copy all the files back into the scenery folder and then, while they are highlighted,

delete them all again.

In this way, there is no need to seek out the correct files again.  


Hello Nick,


I have been thinking about your solution with the OFF folders and I think this is a correct solution not only in simple conflicts but also in more complex situations. At least I can't figure out a situation where is does not work. All the relevant files are located in one place and upgrading is straightforward.

Thanks for this good solution. 


Best regards Fred

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