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7S3 to S45 in OF2 beta

Jack Sawyer

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7 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Another 5 star set Jack with plenty of changeable weather on the journey.:)


Thanks Martyn, you should have seen it, I was in IMC most of the way!  But I love IFR.

5 hours ago, paulb said:

Well done Jack! You will soon visit all of your airports! I too noticed the changing weather. It all adds to the realism! :)

Thanks Paul, I couldn't agree more, I love heading into deteriorating weather in IFR.

5 hours ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine shots Jack.



Thanks again Iain!

1 hour ago, lifejogger said:

Super flight and super shots!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you John!

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