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20 minutes ago, Iain Emms said:

Fine set Jack.



Thanks Iain!

17 minutes ago, Bermuda425 said:

Cunning piece of technology in every way!

Thanks Bermuda, I was just going to try to find O85 but we're getting slammed by yet another very violent thunderstorm.  Power went out last night and it messed up a USB port for my Saitek gear.  I didn't know what to do.  So I unplugged and replugged in the powered USB hub that's built into the Saitek yoke and now it works.  Right now I'm on the iMac and soon it will be shut down too.  I unplugged the PC completely.  The weather radio is going crazy with warnings. 

5 minutes ago, Neptune6 said:


Nice to see you in Bell407........... Yellow

Nice pics



Thanks Patrick, yup,  love that yellow but no inverted in it, it's too difficult.

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7 hours ago, Orbxtreme said:

Very nice Jack, that looks like a fine helicopter that you have there, who makes it? And I read that you are really dealing with some ugly weather these days...!

Thanks Francois!  That's the Bell 407 from MilViz.  I've always loved Bell helicopters since when I was a little kid and saw a guy land one right in my neighborhood.  Yup, nothing but thunderstorms.  Had to shut down all electronics several times the last few days and more this whole week!

6 hours ago, adambar said:

Excellent set there Jack! :)

Thanks Adam, but I feel like I did this before.  Did I accidentally double post?  How does this happen?  I thought I was going nuttier than I already am! :blink:

1 hour ago, Bermuda425 said:

Thanks for the update Jack, it's truly interesting to hear about the weather in your homestate, but I sure hope everything gets well soon enough!

Thanks Erik.  It gets ugly here sometimes.  Extremely violent with more expected all week too.  We can get some serious electrical storms.  Where I worked at KATL an unfortunate fellow got struck and killed on the ramp.  It was very tragic.

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