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Getting very annoyed.


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Hi Guys. Sorry but I'm getting very angry with FSX. Didn't know where to put this so sorry if it's in the wrong place. Having a lot of trouble with FSX, this is after a complete reinstall of every thing and this is the second time I have reinstalled FSX but keep getting the same problem and it seems to happen most times when changing countries, but not all the time. I start a flight usually the default one, Friday harbour some times ok and others not , change to England and FSX crashes with FSX has encountered a problem and will close. When checking event viewer it seems to point the the FSX.exe. So like last night deleted the FSX.exe and started again and ok no problems, great. This morning carried on installing Europe areas started FSX and bang same problem, deleted FSX.exe and started again and crash. I have just started using my boxed FSX as was thinking of going to P3D later as previously the disc's didn't seem to work so whent to the Steam edition. May be I should go back to that one. Nick heeeeelp. Derek.

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Just to say this has nothing to do with previous install of FSX-SE, I think anyway as that was on an Ssd and now FSX is on a normal drive and all my drives have been formatted, plus re a previous post I was having trouble getting Steam to install stuff on some drives. Derek.

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Hi right just did a 10 minute flight , the basic one and ok no trouble, plus landed at another airport. Selected another small airport same place and crash. Had a look at my FSX.exe and it's only 3 Kb where I think it should be about 8 or 9 is it. What's going on ?. Derek.

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no one else has asked this probably very stupid question, so I'll go for it.


You mention above (and I've seen you mention this in another post somewhere) that you delete the FSX.exe - surely you mean the FSX.cfg, don't you? I'm pretty sure that if you really are deleting the FSX.exe then you surely will have problems, since the sim won't start without it?



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P3D has its own issues.  I have owned 2.5 and 3.0.  I stopped using it at 3.3.


I am a proud and happy flyer with FSX-SE.  I have a homemade PC (GA-Z79X-UD7 TH).  I have made only four tweaks to the CFG to include a Tree reduction which allows me to fly into Stockholm without reducing the quality of the scenery.  I have a 970 card and 16 gigs of ram.  I am an owner of all the Orbx scenery and fly A2A, RealAir and PMDG.  I use AS16 for weather.  I fly worldwide @ low and high altitude.   I fly at 30 FPS.  If I fly open FPS I will get everything from 27 to 60+.


SE is no more FSX than P3D.  Both still 32 bit and both have tweaked their product.  I would recommend that you allow SE to remove the install, but before be sure you backup your config.  Leave your addons in and do not just erase everything.  Let SE uninstall and reinstall their product.  Using your saved config file load no more than two tweaks at a time and remarked them out by using the  // after the install of that tweak line.  Make sure you use a keyword so you know it is your remark.  I would only add a tweak at first which SE support recommends.  They have an excellent support for their product.


SE is a different thing!  All the best,


Larry ( a user of Microsoft FS since 1994)


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Been having the same problem for a few month myself.  I just live with it as after the first CTD the sim works as advertised on the 2nd go-round.  If there ever is a fix/reason found I sure would be grateful.

As for tweaking the FSX.cfg I have exactly 2 tweaks TEXTURE_BANDWITH_MULTI=80  and HIGHMEMFIX=1


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OOPS! I lied, also have DisablePreload=1 from an old ORBX reccommendation in the FSX.cfg.  I found that I had inadvertently entered two slash marks preceeding a comment after the tweak backwards (\\ instead of //).  I corrected that and so far the sim seems to be stable without crashing when I attempt to change locations via the Goto Airport screen.

If I notice a return to the old unstable behavior I'll let you know.  Might want to go through your FSX.cfg file with a fine tooth comb for any such gaffs.  Oh, Yeah, I'm blaming it on age also!!;D


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1 hour ago, Dadtom65 said:

Hi Guys. Think found some thing else besides showing FSX exe and it all so says fault path some thing about Windows uiautomation dll and a long number . Derek

That's exactly what I wanted to propose. Do you have the proper UIAutomationCore.dll in your FSX root folder?

I have version 6.0.6001.18000.


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Just realised when checking my first post the error report did say about the FSX.exe , so why did I delete the cfg. They are not the same thing. Perhaps it has got to do with uiautomationCor.dll after all. As I said will check it out. Derek.

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Hi where is that uiatomationcore.dll , I've looked in the main FSX core folder where the others are like controls and other dll are, and there's nothing there. There's a Ui.dll ,take it it's not that, so perhaps that's why FSX keeps crashing. It's not in where the cfg is no ?.

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It won't let me , like I said it says the page you requested does not exist and I can not right click it. Have found the file in Windows/system32  and the number is 7.2.14393.479 can I just copy and paste that to my FSX folder. Derek

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If you are still struggle with that DLL, I can put it in google drive for you but you would need to drop me some contact details privately?


The location of the DLL should be something like "..\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\FSX", do NOT use from anywhere else!



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Hello Derek,


DO NOT TOUCH the Windows files, you will just open up a new bag of worms.

The file I attached should download via your browser and should be put ONLY into

your FSX folder.

If you still can't download it, look in your FSX-SE folder, there is one there already.

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18 hours ago, spud said:

  I corrected that and so far the sim seems to be stable without crashing when I attempt to change locations via the Goto Airport screen.



Interesting post. @spud I have found that FSX:SE does not like changing Locations. I always end one flight, then start a new flight in the new location and never have an issue (well this issue anyway (;D.)

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Hooray all working now with that dll fingers crossed no more trouble, now I can continue downloading the rest of my Orbx items. Just one thing see bvdboomen suggested a different dll. His was 6.0.6001.18000 I have 6.0.5840.16386 any body know what the difference is. Just wondering. Derek.

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44 minutes ago, Dadtom65 said:

Just one thing see bvdboomen suggested a different dll. His was 6.0.6001.18000 I have 6.0.5840.16386

That, I don't know. I was struggleing with an FSX crash like you some day and ended up with the dll I currently have in my FSX root. Haven't touched it ever since.

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Great team work guys. Have been following this post with interested not that I really understood anything but certainly learnt another couple of  software/computer terminology.


Very pleased for you Derek.

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