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My Scenery Desktop Project


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Hi Pilots,

as scenery and aircraft collector over the years it's often not easy to keep the overview what we all have on our virtual sim-globe and in the hangar. Luckily I had a bit more time the last days to start a graphics project to clean up and organize my Windows desktop a bit. I always liked to use changing background images every 10 minutes, so I want to use this for showing up all my addon airport scenery and later all my aircraft with edited out of the sim screenshots.


So first I created a fixed overlay with an upper bar in the style of taxiway signs to describe the content of the desktop icon columns. You maybe see the effect of the transparent overlay to make the columns slightly visible - but really unobstrusive not to destroy the image. Another "Taxisign" at the bottom left... and at the bottom right this gimmick with the "File Terminal". The departures knob simply is the position for the recycle bin, what I renamed to "departures" - because the files will finally depart from my storage - in the arrivals knob is simply the link to the main download folder located, because files arrive on my data storage :)


Because all these graphic elements stay fixed on all upcoming images, they are combined into a single overlay, what can get very fast combined with every airport screenie. The sidebar with basic airport information is now saved with not combined objects, so that I can edit this airport by airport. So day by day I hope to get an inspirational flow on my desktop, and some abandoned airports and later planes come more back into use - and it surely helps to get the ICAO codes into mind ;) 


At first I plan more the overview shots of the airports, later maybe mixed with some detail images and additional infos in the right black sidebar. 




When working on the upper bar, it was exactly 4 times larger in resolution than the used bar, so that I scaled it to 25%. The "big one" is still saved as a Corel Photopaint image. As you can see, I use an 2560 x 1080 screen in Cinemascope aspect ratio (21:9). I think it really helps to keep my screen organized, and every icon has surely to avoid the "Restricted Area for Desktop Symbols" over the 7 columns :)


So long


Chris (Germany)

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