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The move to FTXCv3 - my experience report


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Hi everyone, I just wanted to give a little experience report on my move from FTXCv2/FlightSimStore to FTXCv3/OrbxDirect - for the customers to match their findings, and for the developers to check for optimisation potential.


After learning from the announcements here on the forums that I would need to convert my DVD purchases into X-graded-licenses, with the information that this would be possible with FSS until Oct 30 only, and with the hint that it would be unclear if this offer would be continued somehow, I purchased 18 X-licenses in September. Just to learn later on from JV´s FAQs that meanwhile it is considered to keep the X-grade option active. Cash out.


On Nov 1st I did create an OD account, but I did not make any transfer. Never change a running system. This seemed to pay off, as many users reported issues, and as the orbx staff was / is heavily working on it. Thanks for all who report, thanks for all who improve, keep your nerves solid!


I completed my license transfer and the move to FTXCv3 on Dec 1st. Indeed, it did not harm the sequence or functionability of my scenery.cfg, I just corrected the scenery insertion points in FTXCv3 manually to where it was in v2, and that was it.


My first setback came when I checked the sceneries in FTCXv3: The complete freeware was missing (remember: In the sim it remained unchanged & correct). I learned that I had to add this stuff manually to my OD account. I did so, and switched very fast from one to the next. Overseeing that meanwhile each of these additions had caused an error message


Apparently the message was no indication of any problem, and Ben has claimed to have located & fixed the problem. That is why we communicate, for the sake of followers.


Next setback was the status of the entire freeware, but also of some of my payware in FTXCv3: Though they were fully up-to-date in the sim (and in the version number documents in ORBX\User Documents\Versions), about a dozen of products claimed to require an "update" in FTXCv3. It took me days of downloading (max 5 products in 24 hrs...), to get FTXCv3 updated; keep in mind these updates were useless as all was already updated before.


By the way, these downloads were still painfully slow for me, see enclosed shot of Diamond Point 120 minutes after the DL started.

Talking about "painfully slow": Since my change to FTXCv3 the first flight of each day starts up more than painfully slow. It used to be approx. 1 min, but now it takes me about 8 minutes with this status:
This is an issue reported frequently here, I will have to try to understand it later this month. Meanwhile I keep the house tidy in these awful waiting times.




The last experience I can share today is purchasing new stuff in OD. Download speed that was no better than before...


... but completed by an error message.


As I could not use a DL manager, I have to say that for me the DL process was working better with FSS. Well, the second attempt to DL Narvik was finished after 65 minutes. To be observed in future.


I hope nobody feels accused by issues reported, it is just meant as a hint where things can be improved. In contrast I hope that other users can profit from experiences. Let´s discuss and follow up!

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1 hour ago, Stillwater said:

My first setback came when I checked the sceneries in FTCXv3: The complete freeware was missing (remember: In the sim it remained unchanged & correct). I learned that I had to add this stuff manually to my OD account. I did so, and switched very

I still don't understand why the freeware is opt-in instead of opt-out. I was not confused myself, as I visit the forums frequently and learned it, but not anyone does this. Notably, it would be a good start for the beginner to have the freeware at disposal after installing FTXC3 and start adding payware later on.


Kind regards, Michael

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47 minutes ago, pmb said:

I still don't understand why the freeware is opt-in instead of opt-out. I was not confused myself, as I visit the forums frequently and learned it, but not anyone does this. Notably, it would be a good start for the beginner to have the freeware at disposal after installing FTXC3 and start adding payware later on.


True Michael, but does not some of the freeware require payware packages to use? For example, I know ENJA requires that the EU Norway region be purchased and installed. If this is the case for the majority of the freeware, or even all of them, then I think it makes sense the way Orbx Direct is setup now regarding the freeware.

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it should be really nice if ORBX should also sell versions of new software that can be used in good old working Central V2 format, so we can still continue to buy products, and wait with transfer until all these irregularity has been solved.



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Could you imagine what support nightmare this would evoke?


While I understand some users (not me) have issues with FTXC3, I think the only way can be ahead to get rid of the remaining issues as quickly as possible. I find the general idea and layout of FTCX3 excellent and way ahead of the former scheme. Just my 2c.


Kind regards, Michael

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11 minutes ago, pmb said:

While I understand some users (not me) have issues with FTXC3, I think the only way can be ahead to get rid of the remaining issues as quickly as possible. I find the general idea and layout of FTCX3 excellent and way ahead of the former scheme. Just my 2c.

Concur Michael, 100%.

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when looking to the day to day topics about problems with download speeds, central v3 starting problems

updates not good working, I am not interested to move over now, but can  not obtain any updates for products I own

already long time. so Orbx force me to move over and I am totally unsure how this transit will go.

with a smooth running sim with some 150 extra addons besides orbx.


I think to give customers option to update old products published before 1 nov 2016 in central V2 should be

not a hell of a job, and give orbx also more time to iron out all remaining issues that can bring central V3

in a solid working pieces of software.


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