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Move ORBX folder

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I don't know if this is the appropriate place to ask this question if it's not I apologize. But my question is I have my sim installed on a separate SSD drive E. My problem is I'm running out of space is there anyway way I can transfer my ORBX folder over to my C drive to save space with out any issues? Thanks

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Because of the installers, it is a requirement that ORBX be within the FSX or P3D folder.  


However there are generally no impediments to running other sceneries from other drives, especially things like Pilot's Mesh etc, which occupy a lot of space.


Once installed to another drive you can just point the sim's Scenery Library to the new location.


There are bridging tools and routines but I suspect they would be more trouble than they are worth.


Depending where you live, a 500GB or 1TB SSD are only half the price they were a couple of years ago and quite affordable now.

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your scenery library is in a certain order (lines, order, whatever you wanna call it... 1, 2, 3, etc...) you can manually move anything to another location, you just have to add it manually and ensure its in the correct order. Screenshots of the "before" should help.

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The other alternative is to transfert all the root directory of the sim to the new drive then change location into registry with freeware registry fix tool. Some changes may be needed into exe.xml and dll.xml

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The best hidden Windows standard way to redirect programs calls to another drive is called "Junction", which is officially implemented by Microsoft (but well hidden) since Vista ...


Using a "junction", the OS, without the programs even knowing it, redirects calls to the moved folder.


See  Junction Explanation by Microsoft


Lets say you want to move the contain of  "F:\FSX\Addon Scenery\MyScenery" to another drive (Z: for example) because this one is full.


Just create Z:\MyMovedScenery

Move (after making a backup please !), the contain of MyScenery to MyMovedScenery.

To create the junction, you must delete the MyScenery folder, in order to let mklink recreate it as a junction.


On the command line just type

mklink /J F:\FSX\Addon Scenery\MyScenery Z:\MyMovedScenery


I am using a great freeware Explorer replacement "MultiCommander" which allow to do it more easily and safely.


And don't forget the usual legal notice "I cannot be considered as responsible if anything goes wrong".








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I'm using the Microsoft Junction tool, it cleared a bunch of hard drive space on my (dedicated) FSX drive..  It seems to be working perfectly and took only minutes.  When I say "it seems", that's because I'm un-technical and I have no idea what will happen when I have to install the next ORBX product.  Perhaps John Dow or Richard Bui can jump back in here and continue this discussion for us non-techies.

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2 hours ago, MotoDave said:

I'm using the Microsoft Junction tool, it cleared a bunch of hard drive space on my (dedicated) FSX drive..  It seems to be working perfectly and took only minutes.  When I say "it seems", that's because I'm un-technical and I have no idea what will happen when I have to install the next ORBX product.  Perhaps John Dow or Richard Bui can jump back in here and continue this discussion for us non-techies.


Nothing to say on my side as I don't use it. Not recommanded to unskilled computer people if having to managed several locations and hardware

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