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Migration - what's the final deal?

Adam Banks

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I think I officially give up!!!! :unsure:


The background:

1) Original migration (a few weeks ago) *seemed* to be OK. No errors reported during the process.

2) I started seeing issues in NZNI, NZSI - along with peopleflow duplications at various locations.

3) Installed FTX Wales and updated (via FTXC). *Loads* of issues (see separate thread).



New libraries released today (July 14) so I thought I'd try to sort this mess out. All seemed to go fine - but all the issues (above) remained - so ... I ran the Troubleshooter tool (nice one, Ben!) and it found gazillions of errors. Looking pretty ugly at this stage :lol:.


So ... I did the "Forced Migration" thing and re-ran the Troubleshooter ... all green ... GREAT! ... though I'm wondering why this CMD isn't called automatically as the final step of the migration process <??>.


Cleared my shaders cache and restarted P3Dv3. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! None of the (above mentioned) problems have gone away. FTX Wales is still pretty messed up - and I still have the dupe "One man and his dog - NOT!" at NZMF.


What's the next step? What do I do?


I don't mind being a beta-tester for sim products (I've done that a fair few times) ... but, as a tester, there's usually more information available to me - as communication is usually private and direct. With ORBX/Migration, I *feel* like a beta-tester, but feel largely in the dark ... never knowing what's recognised as a problem, what's been fixed - and what's "work in progress".


Migration/Lclookup issues seem to be spread all over this forum. That's all great (plenty of discussion and help) but it makes it a nightmare for [us poor] users to try and work out what to do. There's a lot of duplication and confusion - and often issues go un-answered by devs as they're snowed under with these multiple posts - and (I suspect) while busily trying to do their job (!!).


This is NOT a negative bleat, whine or moan. The migration is a *very* welcome upgrade. I hardly expect something as complex as that to be entirely trouble-free, but I seem to have spent hours trying to fix things and gone full circle.



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2 hours ago, Adam_NZ said:

So ... I did the "Forced Migration" thing and re-ran the Troubleshooter ... all green ... GREAT! ... though I'm wondering why this CMD isn't called automatically as the final step of the migration process <??>.


Cleared my shaders cache and restarted P3Dv3. Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! None of the (above mentioned) problems have gone away. FTX Wales is still pretty messed up - and I still have the dupe "One man and his dog - NOT!" at NZMF.

The "force migration" button effectively restarts the migration process, if we called it at the end of the migration then we'd be stuck in an infinite loop ;)


Are you just experiencing landclass issues with Wales? Or are they worldwide?


If it's just Wales, then I'd recommended re-installing Wales (being sure to completely remove it from your sim first, don't just run the installer on top of an existing install) to see if that fixes anything.

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1 hour ago, Ben McClintock said:

The "force migration" button effectively restarts the migration process, if we called it at the end of the migration then we'd be stuck in an infinite loop ;)


Are you just experiencing landclass issues with Wales? Or are they worldwide?


If it's just Wales, then I'd recommended re-installing Wales (being sure to completely remove it from your sim first, don't just run the installer on top of an existing install) to see if that fixes anything.


Sorry Ben - I may have written that a bit confusingly (!!) ... I meant running the "Troubleshooter" automatically after the migration. The step after *that* one needn't be automatic, but would at least tell you if all is OK (or not!). The Migrator already seems to have some sort or error correction built in, as this last time I ran it, it had a go (all in the same session) at a couple of files it failed to download. So it must have trapped a few delinquents but missed a few others. My very first migration went through without a single failed download or error (hahaha - little did I know LOL).


As to Wales (thanks) - it does seem to be a local problem. Apart from the odd small glitch (that have been discussed/fixed elsewhere) my other areas are great. So ... thanks for the advice on that one - I'll do as you suggest!



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UPDATE: Ben - I uninstalled/re-installed Wales - and nothing's changed :unsure:. I'll take that up in the Wales-related thread, rather than clutter things up here.


*However* - it's the first time I've *ever* had to (manually) uninstall an ORBX product, so I checked out the FAQs. They're gloriously out of date: referring to older versions of FTXC (and therefore different procedures). This migration thing is turning into a bit of an adventure game! :lol:.


In the current version, "Uninstalling an ORBX product" only brought up four NA regions - nothing else) - so I'm hoping the revamped FTXC will make all this stuff pretty painless.





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For the benefit of others (who maybe haven't followed my "Wales" thread), Ben's been taking a lot of time sorting me out. We now have it down to one missing texture (I think/hope).


The upshot is that though all this is a tricky business - there's no lack of willingness on the part of ORBX staff to help out. I still stand by what I posted earlier, but I certainly feel a lot more positive about things now! B)



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This is very interesting Adam as I too seem to have the most difficulty with Wales.  The coast lines look absolutely horrendous.  As I fly by, no matter how slow the constantly shape-changing, shifting colors and textures.  Need to check the rest of the world but it seems confined to Wales.  And I really like Wales too.

I don't have as many problems as others do, those poor souls, but thank goodness for Ben, he said he'd help me and I am deeply indebted to him.


I can only imagine what these poor guys are going through at Orbx now, like you said, they're being pulled in all kinds of directions and it must be difficult but I'm still confident they'll get this worked out.  Sometime soon Orbx will again be on top of the hill.  I am going to have patience.


But yeah, Wales, wonder why Wales?


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