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My take on Flight Sim Con 16 recap


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Will keep it short. This was my second year in a row attending the event and was very happy to see the growth in both sponsor and attendees. It was great to get a chance to have a face to face hello with a lot of developers new to this years show. In addition to the Orbx team, I got a chance to talk with Dan Church, developer of Fly Inside and congratulate him on his work and how thankful I was of what he is doing for VR in FS.

Also the CEO of LiveATC, a free service I use to monitor Nantucket Tower while I fly drones in their airspace, was there and he showed me some setting to use to reduce the 15second delay down to like 2 second or so.

There was also Keith of Pilots Edge who participated in a discussion panel and was very well spoken and made for a great public speaker.  Frooglesim did another great job in opening up the event and showing some new software that is out or soon to be released.

I was very impressed to find that a developer for addons of KDEN, KPHX and KSFO etc was a one man show. All big airports and all done by one guy.


Many 4K displays were being used over last years and man did soo many showings look great...which brings me back to Orbx and their booth. ENNK is just as amazing as I had hoped it would of been and even better. Its hard to say what would of been keeping it delayed for released so whatever those items are, its small and I look forward to its release in the near future. I mean its been in development for some years now so the near future to me looks like we could be enjoying this anywhere from a few weeks from now to by year ends.

Misha announced his KSBA and in an overhead shot (top down screenshot) someone thought it was a google map picture it looked that good! I was very happy to hear he was doing another field liken to his KSTS which is my go to base in the NCA area as centrally located it is.

Alex was proudly demoing Bar Harbor and a great team representative of Orbx for Q&A's and his presentation with Misha in the meeting room during a scenery discussion. Had to shake Eds hand and thank him for all his hard work in these last few years in creating all the installers for all the various P3D platforms.

Scott Armstong who developed one of my favorites in the PNW was there showing off the coming HD buildings of auto gen.

One of the best things I can say about having the Orbx Team there was hearing JV say that Orbx will be returning next year and with what should be a bigger team force! That right there speaks volumes in where this show is headed for us simmers who like to attend events like these.

I did get to meet one Orbx forum member and was lucky enough to go to the show with Bill Womack (scenery developer of S45, 7S3 and Cushman Meadows). He has since left Orbx but is a very established name in the addon scenery area and a great guy to hang out with as I got to host his visit back here in Nantucket on Monday after the show and let him enjoy my Oculus Rift setup which sold him on it.

Oculus Rift and VR...funny stuff. It seems when you see it, you get it. At least with the CV1. This was true by hearing an airplane developer rave about it in one of the discussions and it was crazy to me that there was this lack of A2A to want to see their planes in it at the show. To me it would be like going from the 2D panels days to when we got v/c's. It was still on a flat screen in 2D but it was all modeled in 3D and look what won there...v/c and its hard to find developers releasing a main 2D panel anymore.

All in all a great show and looking forward to returning next year and hopefully seeing more of you guys there as well.

Nathan Palmer



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