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Co-pilots, Passengers and stewards

John York

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I'm a little fed up with flying in empty 'planes.  I sometimes feel desparately lonely up there with no-one to talk to and no people around.:-[


I've Ants Eaglet with a nice companion sitting beside me, but it would be even nicer to have

passengers in the 'planes I regularly fly distances in, i.e., EMB505 Phenom 300, Real Air Duke

Turbine, the Kodiaks, Mooney Acclaim etc.


I wonder why the developers don't include them as a choice?  It would certainly add to the training and, indeed, the immersion in the flying.



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I agree with you John, who knows what the future holds.


It would be nice to have several things but not being a developer I don't know how possible these things would be.


Some of the planes do have the option of passengers as you have said although I imagine it would be too hard to have a full cabin of passengers in say a 777.


It would have been nice for Carenado to have had the option of a pristine interior in their Shrike.


I saw a comment somewhere about too many N registered planes ( not that that really bothers me as you see N numbered planes all over the place!), I would like to be able to type in my own choice of rego as in Ant's Tecnam, the WSS Semonole and the default FSX planes.




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Hi. I agree with you guys in fact think did post here about it awhile ago. It's so annoying flying an aircraft wich should have a co pilot and you look to the right and there's nobody there. Plus for the people who use software that uses a co pilot or at least a voice, it must be very unrealistic. Derek.

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Well... A2A Cub has Heidi, and she's not backwards in coming forwards about what she thinks of your flying.  She even sits there to block your view.  Then there is the A2A Strat.  No crew in the cockpit, but you get feedback from them, plus Heidi interacting with the punters in back.  And there will soon be the A2A Connie.  Notice a pattern here?  I prefer that to rubbish low poly models, or memory &/or frame gobbling better models.  When I'm getting crew input I'm not normally looking at them anyway.



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