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Fire In The Sky!


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So after installing OPenLC Euro (thanks for the sale, it was great!) I was cruisin' around Germany checkin' things out....




...(and wondering what's with all the yellow, I know they like mustard with their Wurst, are these mustard plants, or maybe hops for fresh bier to go with said wurst?)...




When I spy with my little eye something hovering above Rügen...




Well how 'bout that - Nice advertising idea, folks!




They were wavin' and stuff so I figured I'd just roll in close and say Hi..




...and they said "Get back or we'll torch ya!"  WHOA!!!!




OK, So I left them in peace, headed back to EDCG and the fine little helipad there...




Guess I'll grab some Torched Blackened Wurst with Extra Mustard - with Extra Extra Bier please!




Güt stuff!


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Wonderful set of pictures, with a nice warm glow to them.  My hat is always off to someone who can fly a FSX/P3D helo -- you sir are a better pilot than me.


Can't wait to see what Germany will look like with the upcoming Germany North by Orbx.

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Thanks for the comments guys!


Canola, eh?  Makes sense VH-KDK, and this is what I love about Orbx scenery... seems you discover little bits of knowledge about the world on practically every new flight!



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