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Northbound, part 1

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In fact we are not far in the north. And we do not even leave the southernmost Orbx NA region. But we are heading north from San Diego...


The longest part of this flight is the approach into KLAX, from east to west, ...


... back downwind to the east, ...


... and finally a final.



Perhaps it is the season to go even more to the north...

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2 hours ago, dolf8857 said:

Verry nice set!

Thank you, Dolf.


6 hours ago, Bermuda425 said:

Golly gee - these got what it takes! You're a hero of captivating shots Gerold!

The flying is the key, the great scenery produces heroic shots...


17 hours ago, RJ said:

Wow factor = 10! :)


17 hours ago, Voyager said:

Fine business jet flying on outstanding scenery!

I enjoyed 'em!


From iPad


Thank you RJ and Voyager. Travelling in style...



18 hours ago, BradB said:

I love that last shot on the ramp Gerold . :):)



That is the best way to unboard, especially instead of entering a maze like KLAX. Just a little limo, and off we go...


20 hours ago, VH-KDK said:

Wonderful shots Gerold, magical skies and scenery.

Being 3c and overcast I am not going north, just love late Autumn.

3c, didn´t you forget a zero somewhere, Martyn? I thought it was always hot in Oz (except Tas)...

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34 minutes ago, Stillwater said:

3c, didn´t you forget a zero somewhere, Martyn? I thought it was always hot in Oz (except Tas)...

Sorry Gerold, you are right about the zero.........03C:lol:

This morning it IS hot....10C and raining.:huh::D:lol:.

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1 hour ago, VH-KDK said:

Sorry Gerold, you are right about the zero.........03C:lol:

This morning it IS hot....10C and raining.:huh::D:lol:.

That sounds like our beautiful spring. Especially the rain.

And remember: A frosty day keeps the Huntsback away.

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