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John Burgess

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About John Burgess

  • Birthday 08/08/1956

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  1. A really interesting and nicely done bit of scenery in a challenging area! One thing worth pointing out is that it has obviously (and quite correctly) been created to fit in with the default mesh. That does mean, however, that to see it as intended the Orbx Himalayan mesh should be disabled when enjoying this scenery. All the best, John
  2. That does, indeed, seem to be the only reliable way of being informed. All the best, John
  3. Hi Christopher. I've just had a look at all this and found the following. The WU17 photogrammetry of the Cardiff area does, indeed, include the Porthkerry viaduct which is actually one of the better examples of PG. The WU17 version of Cardiff airport has a custom model which is, unfortunately, misplaced on the terrain and fails to exclude the underlying PG version. That's ASOBO's problem! As Rod pointed out the PG around here is better than most so, with PG on users of either the UK2000 or Sofly version of the airport can remove the Gaya version and will see the perfectly acceptable PG version on approach. I only had time for a quick look but as far as I can see the UK2000 airport successfully excludes the Gaya version of the airport so folks who prefer to fly without PG can have both active and will see only the slightly misplaced Gaya version of the viaduct. The recent Sofly version doesn't exclude the Gaya version so that must be removed to use the Sofly scenery. Basically anyone can sort out a way of having the viaduct there (apart from those wishing to use the Sofly scenery with PG off). As I said I don't think our removal of the viaduct was intentional - it was not discussed and I'd rather it was still there! I suspect Rod is right that it got included on a list along with the actual WU17 POI's as something to remove and I didn't notice. Ours was correctly placed and excluded both the Gaya and PG versions successfully (screenshot from an earlier beta with the GAYA airport installed and PG on). All the best, John
  4. Not sure what happened to the Porthkerry viaduct to be honest. It does indeed seem to have disappeared from GB South but there was never any intention to remove it. As far as I can remember all we intended to actually remove from the last beta were some ships which conflicted with Seafronts scenery. I'll try and look into it. All the best, John
  5. They should be. The update for North is still a work in progress so you'll still get the older, pre WU17, version. All the best, John
  6. The announcement was made on our Discord channel John - that seems to be where many things appear these days. I guess we have to move with the times They should be available via Orbx Central. All the best, John
  7. That was definitely the main aim of the updates (removing POI's which were now included in WU17, fitting our POI's into the new Photogrammetry areas, repositioning POI's which were displaced on the new ground imagery etc). We've tried to take the opportunity to improve a few other things whilst we were at it as well. GB North is still being worked on. In a few places the new ground imagery was taken from a very oblique angle and things look a bit messy. There's not a lot we could do about that (check out ASOBO's own POI of Blackpool Tower to see that they admitted defeat as well)! All the best, John
  8. Hi Carlos. I suspect this is a problem with the basic simulator - or the bing data etc. I emptied my community folder (so should just be seeing default scenery). I see the same as you. All the best, John
  9. To be honest I'm not sure if there are now areas of the UK where the default mesh is now more detailed than the Orbx version. I visited a couple of the spots in the Scottish Highlands where I know the Orbx version was definitely better than the default pre WU17 and it still is so I'm still using the Orbx version. All the best, John
  10. Thanks guys. I gave up counting a couple of years ago - got my pension and my bus pass already! Nowadays it's a good excuse for a nice meal out All the best, John
  11. Hi Carlos. Thanks for taking the time to look at this and report on it. As you'll understand looking at the WU17 impacts on our products is a huge task! Not sure what will get fixed - personally I'd be happy with removing duplicate POI's and sorting out the more obvious issues with new PG areas (like the Clyde in Glasgow). What gets me, however, is the fact that what you have noticed are by and large things with the default Asobo POI's. No criticism of you at all intended - just wonder what their beta testers are up to The building you mentioned is One Blackfriars - a default POI which I would have definitely reported if it was one of ours As for the bridges - this again is ASOBO default after WU17. Some of the new imagery is taken from a rather oblique angle leading to issues with even their own POI's. Here's Blackpool Tower with a clear image on the ground. It's a default POI - some of ours are suffering the same fate. Be assured we are looking at it but don't expect miracles! All the best, John
  12. Hi Carlos. My post just above this one should hopefully give a bit more explanation about what's happening. As you say the app automatically finds the community folder but in your case, wanting to install into a library, you need to use the 'custom folder' option and point the app to the folder you have your Orbx scenery in. This creates a folder 'Orbx-global-trees-hd' which contains the files MSFS actually uses. If you use Addon Linker you can activate and de-activate it as usual depending on whether you want default vegetation or the Orbx vegetation For some reason on my system it appears right at the end of the list in addon linker. Make sure it's enabled before running the app to change the seasons! As John Dow mentioned you only need to run the app when you want to change seasons or grass type. All the best, John
  13. To try and explain what should happen during the install (as far as I know that is!) The first thing OC installs is the app itself in the folder 'MSFS Global Trees HD'. This contains the various vegetation types in the data folder but is not used by MSFS which is why OC won't install it directly into the community folder. After launching the app and making the selections for seasons and grass type a second folder 'Orbx-global-trees-hd' is created and it is this one which MSFS actually uses. As far as I can tell there should be 4 files in the vegetation subfolder. Not sure why you might have originally just got 2 but worth knowing if anyone else experiences a similar problem. I just tried a fresh install and found 4 on first install. Anyway glad it's working okay! All the best, John
  14. Thanks for the report Edward. I only have the default SVCS (not sure if you have an addon scenery) but just started a flight there with Global Trees enabled and taxied to and took off from rwy 10 without a problem. Not much help I know! All the best, John
  15. Brilliant Adam. Some great memories there As a Pom there are many things the Aussies have sent in our direction we could have done without (Fosters, Castlemaine 4x and the cricket team to name just three ) but the Seekers are definitely one of the very best things Australia gave us. All the best, John
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