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Posts posted by paulk

  1. JimmiG sorry to hear you are having issues.  

    It works fine for me every time. Had a similar issue else where in the world and it proved to be a nearby freeware add on that was causing me the CTD.


    Im sure you have tried it but worth a mention, remove everything from community folder except Renton and delete content.xml, SceneryIndexes and rolling cache then do a restart.

  2. 7 hours ago, Jack Sawyer said:


    Hi Jack How you doing? long time no see.


    Thanks for the compliments, think I’m beginning to fly like you very low and fast. :)


    Since the early days when we beta tested MSFS it has really come on. Some big names like PMDG are bringing heavy metal to it as well.


    Have you made the move across yet? It’s now my sim of choice.

    • Like 1
  3. Singapore - Bahrain that was the dual BA/Singapore Airlines Concorde G-BOAD I think. 

    I believe BA Concorde had a good wine cellar. But to be fair 30-40 years ago many wines were French. 

    Hats off to the new world wines, I love a good Australian (and dare I say it New Zealand) wine with dinner.


    Let me throw one more into the equation. Officially it has to be known as a Australian Sparkling Wine, because I’m told as the grapes and process are not from the Champagne region of France then it can’t be called a real Champagne. However, one of the best Champagnes I have ever tasted (in my opinion) was Canadian. It has won many awards against French equivalents and although, the grapes are grown in Canada and the Champagne produced there it can officially be called a Champagne. (Some home work for you there John if you would like to research).


    PS I’ve met many fellow Concorde travellers but none who did the Singapore - Bahrain- London route. I think it was allowed to fly supersonic over Saudi Arabia and the Adriatic Sea but when reaching landfall near Venice had to go subsonic the rest of the way to London.

  4. It’s nice to meet a pilot who flies as high as me (very low :)).

    It’s great to recreate the same images of Concorde we saw in real life years ago, flying over famous land marks and cities etc.


    I’m sure with the roar of those 4 Olympus engines in some of your screenshots I can see many Parisian’s looking up at you flying over.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  5. 50 minutes ago, Sniper31 said:

    You are given this venerable bird a workout! Nice low level flight too! :) 



    I don't normally buy aircraft add-ons, but this was a must. It's so nice just to see it in flight again. Back in work tomorrow so the Big White Bird will be having a rest for a few days.

    • Like 1
  6. 2 hours ago, Stillwater said:

    So beautiful... but efficiency ruled.

    Have you ever seen the seats inside her?

    Yes they are nothing special compared to todays premium seats.


    Although, the last seats to be installed must be over 25 years old now, I suppose a lot has changed since then.


    You were not in them long I suppose.


    I flew the Concorde on a service from London to America, flight was too short in my eyes, busy eating drinking then it was over.:)

    • Haha 2
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