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Everything posted by BradB

  1. Nope , it's Lord Fauci ........Christmas is cancelled for you Adam and me too .
  2. Willie and I love your shots Graeme !! . John
  3. Noble shots worthy of praise Adam .
  4. https://orbxdirect.com/product/alrocreation-lighthouses Have a great weekend mates !! . John
  5. I hope you have a most excellent Birthday my friend . Cheers John
  6. Thanks mate . Thanks Gerold . Thanks John . Thanks John .
  7. Thanks Iain . Thanks Wayne . Thanks John . Thanks mate . Thanks Jack .
  8. Using ASP3D Active WX , the wind always blows in the Gorge ; not sure . I am just testing 5.3 , the load time is ridiculous ; 10 minutes and more . I can be flying in MSFS in about 3 minutes .
  9. I use Luminar4 for some post editing features .
  10. Departing the Dalles Oregon airfield (KDLS) and heading West into the Columbia Gorge : Thanks for looking Gents !! . John
  11. I see your on the Rainbow Two departure out of Sydney Captain .
  12. Thanks John . Thanks Graeme . Thanks Adam . Thanks Iain . Thanks Richard . Thanks John . Thanks Mikee . Thanks John . Thanks Wayne . Thanks Gerold , and yes I did the hike ........ Virtually .
  13. Reminds me of Texas , and they would love to be a seperate country .
  14. This bird is a looker for sure , great shots Richard .
  15. I have been hanging out over at Avsim quite a bit now , I need to check out Flightsim.com also .
  16. Thanks Adam , as far as OZ and NZ goes ……… preview of things to come for you and I .
  17. Stunners Adam , great to see you back on the forum .
  18. Exploring the amazing scenery of New Zealand , I came across this area : https://hikingisgood.com/mons-sex-millia-tramping-report/ Thanks for looking !! . John
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