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Nick Cooper

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Everything posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Hello, the kml files are the ones given to the testers at the outset. They will therefore not necessarily be a true reflection of the finished product. I don't have any others. As is supposed to happen, the beta testers have pointed out anomalies and the developers have fixed them. There should not be any duplicates or conflicts in the simulator. I attach the same for EU GB Central and it comes with the same caveat.
  2. Hello, Orbx Central installs the Nool product automatically and if you run verify files for ESGG, it should replace it, if it is missing.
  3. Hello, for the record, at 0513 Z on 16th November, Bing Imagery is down, so any testing of this fix will produce unreliable results until Bing Imagery is fixed.
  4. Hello, is this because you don't have X Plane 11? If so, there is this:
  5. Hello, if you have no further use for the Orbx P3D Library, then by all means delete it.
  6. Hello, welcome to the forums. Please set Airports and Regions to just below the lowest of your other developers' add-ons. Leave the openLC setting where it is and Orbx Central will do the rest for you.
  7. Hello, with thanks to Adam for keeping us supplied with good music, I found this on You Tube the other day. Along with everyone else, I have listened to versions of this for years but this one is something else again.
  8. Hello, thanks to @ReinFlight for the answer. On the subject of misleading, in fact, your own picture includes the clear explanation. I have highlighted in yellow what you could have read.
  9. Hello Bert, I installed this airport just now and for some reason, the first time I tried to load there, MSFS disappeared. I deleted the scenery .dat files and now it is fine. Perhaps it could be something similar at your end?
  10. This is my preferred version, YMMV of course.
  11. Hello, this appears to be the latest solution: Working title GNS530/430 GPS broke my autopilot - General Discussion & Community Support / Aviate, Navigate, Communicate - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums
  12. No, just the same design. After two cataract ops, I don't need glasses at all now, after wearing them since my nose was big enough to support a pair.
  13. Hello John, I couldn't have put it better than you did with "polite disinterest". My real world of work has and still does (part-time these days, I'm 71 you know ) revolved around practical things like road haulage, where flight simulation is an alien concept. Most of my colleagues are kind enough not to roll their eyes in front of me, but as Iain so rightly puts it, "I like being an alien and will carry on flightsimming". I expect that you are justifiably proud of your son, he is evidently as resourceful as he is skilled. Luckily for the world, there are mercifully few pictures of me but this is one of the ones I am least unhappy with. It's about 1998 and I am in France, doing five deliveries down the eastern side and then a collection from Turin, Italy. I am driving this:
  14. Hello, sending in a support ticket will sort this out for you.
  15. Hello, the only product that shows at the moment is the True Earth Great Britain Libraries and they are indeed not a True Earth product. They are just the required Libraries that are installed with the True Earth products.
  16. Hello, Thanks Wayne. It looks like it has finally arrived at Just Flight, today, so it should soon be on Orbx Central.
  17. Hello, Accuseason Advanced is not yet available through any of Rex's retail outlets. It is their policy and once you have installed the update using the method in this Orbx Forum topic: You will be able to read why in the app itself.
  18. Hello, Pyreegue no longer sell products at Orbx Direct. They have to remain in Orbx Central for existing licence holders but they are no longer on Orbx Direct.
  19. Hello, a party line was a shared telephone line. We had them here in the UK too. PF Flyers seem to be footware in the USA, aka sneakers.
  20. Here is an anglicised version: Red = don't remember Orange = not in the UK as far as I know Green = remembered 1. Black Jacks 2. Wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water 3. Sweet cigarettes 4. Drinks machines that dispensed glass bottles 5. Cafes and pubs with jukeboxes 6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with silver paper lids for pasteurised and beer bottle tops for sterilised. 7. Party lines on the telephone 8. Pathe News before the film. 9. P.F. Flyers 10. Butch wax (that was our hair product) 11. BBC test card that came on at night after the last programme and was there until the single TV channel returned. 12. Peashooters 13. Howdy Doody 14. 45 RPM records and 33 rpm and 78 rpm too. 15.Green Shield stamps 16. Hi-fi record players 17. Metal ice trays with a lever 18. Mimeograph paper 19. Blue flashbulb 20. Packards 21. Roller skate keys 22. Cork popguns 23. Drive-in movies 24. Studebakers but I did have a Dinky Toy of one 25. Washing machine wringers If you remembered 0-5 = You're still young. If you remembered 6-10 = You are getting older. If you remembered 11-15 = Don't tell your age. If you remembered 16-25 = You're older than dirt!
  21. Hello, It looks like they are all there now.
  22. Many thanks Bert, I have passed this on.
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