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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. 42 minutes ago, Adam Banks said:

    Spectacular find, Nick!! Many thanks! Fixed my beloved MJ DC-3's cockpit sounds :D.




    Thanks Adam, it was no find, it's not what you know but who.:)

    Huge thanks are due to Doug Dawson who has done this again for us all and for free.

    • Upvote 1
  2. If running in the background, MSI Afterburner can prevent FTX Central from running.

    Please disable MSI Afterburner and do not set it to start with Windows.

    As it is a configuration utility, it can be used and then closed.


    This error does not affect everyone but should be ruled out before a support request

    is posted.


  3. Hello,


    The intended purpose of this topic is to inform only when commonly used third party software becomes P3D v4 compatible.

    Ideally, this topic could become reference for us all.


    Please do not post workarounds.


    Please do not post release announcements for new products.


    Please do post update announcements for existing products that have had a P3D v4 compatible version released.


    Please do post the name of the software and if possible a link to where the information can be found.


    Please do NOT post support requests in this topic or critiques of any products.


  4. This is the error message.


    Could not find your terrain.cfg file. It does not exist at C:\ProgramData\Lockheed Martin\Prepar3D v2\terrain.cfg


    I understand that in version 2, up to version 2.4, the terrain.cfg file was inside the P3D root folder.

    If you have version 2.4 or less, please put the attached file p3dv2.c3json file into

    C:\Users\your name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Simulators ( %LocalAppData%\orbx\simulators) and let it overwrite.

    Then run FTX Central again.



  5. If you have installed everything correctly but you are not sure if you are seeing your products,

    here are some images for comparison.


    The time and date are 0900 hrs local, 1st February.

    The location is EGCD Warton, Manchester UK.


    LAT: N53' 20.02''  LON:  W2' 9.88''  ALT: 1268ft (386 metres)  HDG: 293. 


    Default FSX




    FTX Global only




    FTX Global and Open LC Europe




    FTX Global. Open LC Europe, FTX Vector




    FTX EU England



    • Upvote 4
  6. Updated 24th June 2018.


    Here is a guide to how to use the FTX Registry Utility to create registry entries.


    It predates P3D v4 and Aerofly FS 2 and does not therefore create registry entries for them.

    X Plane 11 does not create registry entries and is found by FTX Central in another way.


    It requires that FTX Central version 2 is temporarily installed.


    2. FTX Central v2 is contained in this download link  FTX_Central_files.zip


    Unzip the files to any folder.


    Run FTX Central files\FTXCentral v2\FTXCentral.exe once and close it, do nothing else

    and ignore any error messages you might see.


    Then run FTX Central files\FTXCentral v2\RegistryFixTool.exe as an administrator.




    Click on the ADD LOCATION tab for each one and use the explorer window

    to navigate to the simulator's root folder. Click on OK to set the entry. 






    If installed correctly, FSX Steam Edition on a PC with no trace at all of FSX Disk Edition will

    use the same registry entries and file structure as FSX Disk Edition.

    For this reason, if this method is used to set the registry entry, it should be set as

    Microsoft Flight Simulator X and NOT  Microsoft Flight Simulator X: Steam Edition





    For this to work for FSX-SE, after you have re-installed FTX Central version 3, download the attached

    version of ftxse.c3json and then go to 

    C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\Orbx\Simulators and copy it over the file that is there.

    Let it overwrite.

    Please back up this version as any update or re-install of FTX Central will overwrite it.



    Please note that the AppData folder is hidden by default in the Windows File Explorer.

    If you cannot see it, please go to your Windows File Explorer view options and check

    "Show hidden files, folders and drives".

    While you are there, the "Hide extensions for known file types" box should also be

    unchecked. This makes finding and identifying files much easier.







    If you have more than one simulator installed, when you next open FTX Central version 3 you will see a menu.

    Click on the simulator version that you want FTX Central to work with.

    Of course, you will only see choices for the simulators that you have installed and have registry entries for.








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  7. The FTX Central error log will clearly state at the top if these modules are missing.



    System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL "UIAutomationCore.dll": The specified module could not be found.


    There have been many support requests as a result of customers having modified 

    or removed the UIAutomationCore.dll (s) from their Windows installation in the mistaken

    belief that this is the correct fix for menu errors in FSX.


    The only solution is to replace the modified or deleted files.

    There are two,

    1. 32 bit, in C:\Windows\system32

    2. 64 bit, in C:\Windows\SysWOW64


    The correct solution for FSX is to place the Vista version of UIAutomationCore.dll into its root folder.


    Attached are three folders named after the operating system that they are for.

    In each case, there are three files in folders named to indicate where they should be placed.




    Windows 7 files.zip

    Windows 8 files.zip

    Windows 10 files.zip

  8. On 21/12/2016 at 4:55 AM, whodunit said:

    Thank You! For weeks I have been doing all manner of things and always the same net result - failure of FTX Central 3 to load. Today I tried a couple of ideas found on these posts so I am not sure what the actual fix is but I suspect that removing "  C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\Orbx   and  C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx  " was the the ticket . That was the last thing I changed and now it's working.I do however wish that I had "backed up " both those files before trashing them. I just started FSX-SE and Orbx  data  now gone ( but on the bright side - the load time was a fraction of the usual ). FTX Central is working so I am confident that I'll be able to reload all : )


    I tried the previous mentions of  " C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX\scenery.cfg'  and ensuring that there was only a reference to FSX-SE ( I had both FSX and FSX-SE folders but only have SE installed ).  This  method on it's own didn't solve my issue but in the greater scheme, it might have had a positive impact?






    Deleting and re-installing FTX Central has no effect on the products shown, as the data is not stored on the PC.


    Renaming the ProgramData\Microsoft\FSX folder to FSX-SE is NOT a fix but something done by some customers

    who decided that the advice given was not for them. It does appear to work in the first instance but all it does is

    clear one type of error nessage and cause further problems.


    The correct fix is



    The solution is to download the FSX Registry Utility that can be found on

    this page.

    You will find a full user guide in FSX Registry Utility Help.chm which is included

    in the download.

    Use this utility to set the path to your FSX Steam Edition installation and

    the installer will then offer the option of FSX.

    When you next start FTX Central, choose the FSX option.





    • Like 1
  9. If you use the manual download function on your Orbx Direct account product page,

    you will receive one .zip file.

    To install this, one must use the Install from my manually downloaded zip function in FTX Central

    and it should prompt you to select a file and then install from the single file.









    If you choose the FTX Central Download and install now, then create a backup for later option, you receive many .zip files.

    You must save these together in one folder.

    To install this, you must select I already have a backup, you are prompted to select the folder where they are

    and not any of the files themselves.








    If this is not done correctly, without any notification, FTX Central will ignore the backup and download the files it needs instead.

    I wonder if this is one of the reasons why many customers find that FTX Central downloads the whole product again?

    It is certainly worth checking that you have done this correctly before posting a support request on this subject.


    If FTX Central does start the download again, there is no requirement to allow it to continue, simply close FTX Central

    straight away and choose the correct method, if applicable.

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  10. On 19/12/2016 at 1:38 PM, abdulaslam said:

    I would be really grateful if you can assist me as I have followed your instructions and still unable to resolve my issue.



    Try to delete C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\Orbx and

    C:\Users\Your name\AppData\Local\Temp\Orbx and try to re-install FTX Central v3 from the link

    on the Orbx Direct home page.

    • Upvote 1
    • Thanks 1
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