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Nick Cooper

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Posts posted by Nick Cooper

  1. Thanks.

    Possibly not, as this problem seems to be with the Turbine Duke.


    I am guessing that this because you have installed the Duke outside

    the simobjects folder, whereas the aircraft is designed to be installed inside it.


    In my case the RASDuke_sound.ini file looks nothing like yours:


    Sound00=./SimObjects/Airplanes/RealAir Duke B60 V2/Panel/Sound/KEYPRESS_ANNUN.wav, -200
    Sound01=./SimObjects/Airplanes/RealAir Duke B60 V2/Panel/Sound/LARGEROCKER.wav, -1400
    Sound02=./SimObjects/Airplanes/RealAir Duke B60 V2/Panel/Sound/LIGHT_RAD_ROTARY_SWITCH.wav, -50



    and requires no tinkering to work.

    But that is because the aircraft is where is was designed to be placed.



  2. I placed the gauge into the gauges folder because that is what the RealAir installer does,

    at least with the RealAir Duke v2 piston engine version.

    I don't have either the turbine version or the Legacy.


    You appear to have done the right thing with the files, so your next step should be to move the two gauges

    to the gauges folder and see if they then work.

  3. Here is a reminder of the purpose of this topic





    The intended purpose of this topic is to inform only when commonly used third party software becomes P3D v4 compatible.

    Ideally, this topic could become reference for us all.


    Please do not post workarounds.


    Please do not post release announcements for new products.


    Please do post update announcements for existing products that have had a P3D v4 compatible version released.


    Please do post the name of the software and if possible a link to where the information can be found.


    Please do NOT post support requests in this topic or critiques of any products.



    Apologies to those whose posts have been removed.

  4. Hello,


    Both owners of regions without Open LC and owners with OpenLC have to be catered for.


    If the regions' lighting was disabled by default when Open LC was installed, then

    re-installing a region or adding another region would enable the lighting for that region and only

    the re-installing of OpenLC would disable it again.


    If the new lighting was not included in the regions, then owners of regions who did not own Open LC would

    not have the new lighting system.

    If the new lighting was not included in OpenLC, owners without regions would be deprived of that, including

    of course the vast area outside the regions.


    I cannot see a better solution than the control panel to allow owners of any these products to have the best possible options.

  5. 40 minutes ago, Jack Sawyer said:

    Does it seem to you that without ticking that box there are many more lights?  Did they do this for performance reasons?


    Hello Jack,

    If you don't tick the box, you have the regions' lighting and the OpenLC lighting at the same time.

    Roughly twice as many lights in total.

    The tick box is there to prevent this happening.

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hello.

    To clear up any confusion as to which setting to select:




    Open LC NA includes the Orbx night lighting.

    The NA regions also include Orbx night lighting.

    Therefore, if you are in a region and you also have OpenLC NA

    installed, you will have TWO sets of night lighting.



    The control panel.


    You will only see it if you have a region and OpenLC installed.


    This is what it does.










    Apologies, the images were lost when Postimage unexpectedly moved.

    Please read on in any case.

    • Upvote 2
  7. Hello Michael,


    I would agree and thanks for pointing out the function in the Lorby-SI tool.


    While I can keep all my non-Orbx addon scenery outside P3D and for that matter FSX

    and simply use the Scenery Config Editor to add them in or take them out, introducing a

    second and less user friendly method seems to me to be an unnecessary complication.


    The declared preference by Lockheed Martin is followed in both cases.

  8. Hello again,


    I am also new to P3D, however, the "approved" way of installing addons is to keep their files outside the P3D root folder

    and use the .xml files that will be stored in the documents folder to tell P3D where these files are.


    To date, I have installed only one scenery item using this method.

    I can see one disadvantage straight away, which is that they then all appear at the top of the in-game scenery library and

    cannot be moved.

    I see no way either of ordering them, though that may be my ignorance, rather than there not being a way. 


    I keep no addon scenery files in the root folder in any case, Orbx products excepted and add them to P3D using the time

    honoured method of adding them to the scenery library.


    Whether addon scenery is installed to P3D with an .xml file of not is entirely up to the scenery developer.

    If you have scenery that is no longer supported or does not have an installer, there is a small freeware utility that will "install" it

    for you. You can find it on this page


    I find it to be very time consuming and a very poor substitute for the Scenery Config Editor.







    No addons are installed in the documents folder.

    The .xml files that are used to install them are stored there but

    they are typically a few bytes each.

    The scenery files are placed wherever you choose to place them,

    which is less likely to "mess up my whole system partition".

  10. You should download the file I attached to the first post.

    Unzip it and you will see that it is named dsd_p3d_xml_sound_x64.dll.


    Rename this file to RASDuke_Sound.dll


    Then go to your P3Dv4 gauges folder and delete

    RASDuke_Sound.dll and if it is there, RASDuke_Sound.gau.


    Finally copy your new  RASDuke_Sound.dll to the gauges folder.

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