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Craig Riach

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About Craig Riach

  • Birthday September 14

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  1. if you take off from these locations you should be able to see many from the airport and others are all close by. Might be best to use clear skies weather pre-set for the first time looking for each course. hope this helps. As for lobbies as far as I'm aware this is currently not possible to be done. Plan to make one of these video's for each course.
  2. Might have been caused by the last msfs sdk updated as grass lengths changed for me since then. Before it was to long everywhere.
  3. Highly recommend the Gee bee special flies so well round this course had a bit of a race with some other little while ago so much fun.
  4. Your get it, start off with the pitts special or the Robin Cap 10 and just reduce throttle a little if needed.
  5. Do have some idea's but not gonna post them so that idea's don't get stolen.
  6. Thanks that's good to hear I'm on there occasionally and did race a few randoms yesterday. Also jumped on a live stream of someone using it on release day seemed to enjoy it. I will be taking a look at some other spots I do have some ideas thinking cities and interesting locations suggestions welcome. Appreciate the feedback.
  7. My first full creation with custom models that I have released with Orbx, I'm probably over enthusiastic.
  8. Thanks for watching look forward to seeing others trying out this fun course.
  9. No worries only an idea there is the manual available anyway.
  10. @FS Academy Out of interest are there any plans to add written instructions within the flight sim have found a few times where have slightly missed where I was meant to have got to a location and forgotten what the previous instruction had been I know there is the manual for it just wondered if it's possible to add the instructions into the MSFS Nav log, so can double check easily the previous instruction.
  11. Must say having tried the first 5 vfr training missions I really like this add-on.
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