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Black runway and apron squares CEF4


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           Was there ever a fix for this problem of black squares appearing on the runway and apron of Orbx CEF4.I've searched the forums but couldn't find a solution.I know it was previously covered but I couldn't find an answere to correct this problem.Thanks

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Hi Vlad

                Thanks for the response. Do you know if there is anyone else with the same problem as I have and has found a fix? I had this problem occur  not to long ago and I fixed it by tweaking my AMD Catalyst control 3D Application settings but I've exhausted my efforts trying to duplicate what I did. I've tried everything I could think to correct this because it's a shame that such a nice airport like CEF4 has this problem. Please let me know of any developments.  Thanks for your time.PS. CEN4 has the same black squares on the runway!

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It is sometimes extremely difficult to find out what's causing what. Each PC is different and a lot of users use different setups from standard or default. The only thing we can go by are exhaustive beta tests. If the beta testers don't see any problems, we release the product. Unfortunately there seems to be always a few customers who find some issues usually related related to their computers and various settings. Then it is just a stroke of luck to find out, what may be causing the problems. 

Your case is a perfect example. CEF4 is using poly style runways whereas CEN4 doesn't - it is just an enhanced photo real ground. So go figure - you've got the same issues on both, albeit the design approach is totally different... Are you using some sort of DX10 tweak by any chance?

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Hi Vlad,

              I uninstalled Steve's DX10 Fixer and re-installed CEF4 and the black squares remain.Do you think that my AMD Catalyst Control settings would have anything to do with the black squares appearing in both CEF4 and CEJ4? Is there anything I could try in the DX10 Fixer to get rid of the black squares or do you think it's all trial and error? Have you had any input from anyone else with this same issue? Again thanks Vlad for your time and effort.I'd like to repeat myself and say this airport is by far one of my favorites and it's a shame this has occurred.

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Here is something on the "shaders". Try it, but make sure you back up whatever you may have there now...



RE: the above post - perhaps try to restart the FSX, also defragging the HD, it makes odd things when running with too many re-starts.

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 I did a missing texture search on the three airports after talking to Steve Parsons and found these missing.

















Could you please send me these files so I might correct the problem and maybe an explanation on how to install  them correctly.Thanks

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Hi Guys,


Further to the above, I have reported these problems at this airport also, a while back, and for your info', I've just deleted FSX, and installed FSX Steam, and reinstalled Airdrie, and the problem still exists!


Hope this can be sorted out...



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I worked with postie to resolve this for him.

The fsx dx10 engine handles missing textures differently to dx9. - note this is in the fsx core code long before it gets near the gpu. For fsx sdk objects dx9 discards any with missing textures whilst dx10 draws them with the default texture which is blue (or black with the fixer). Thus missing textures usually show up as black squares in dx10.

Hence I asked him to turn on missing texture alert and this reported the problems above. If a texture doesn't have a prefix fsx looks for .bmp. .cab and .dds. The error is then reported as .bmp

The puzzlement was that the textures were in all the airports.

After some wild goose chases I got him to trace file operations using Procmon.

We found fsx was looking for the textures listed above in fsx\texture not in the airport texture directory. Clearly it failed to find them. I don't know why this was occurring perhaps a library has been installed in the wrong place and is taking precedence?

Anyway the workaround was to copy the textures reported as missing into fsx\texture at which point everything worked.

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Hi Steve,

I'm only using dx9, I don't use dx10... Is the procedure just the same?

WIth respect, can't Orbx just put out a fix or new patch, so that customers don't have to do this themselves? Having just got FSX SE working tremendously, I'm reluctant to start messing around in the main FSX directory!


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I have no idea why it happens, just observed that the textures are reported as missing in fsx and tracing shows fsx is only looking for them in the top level scenery directory with no hint of looking the airport directories. I note that postie has an install on his f: drive. I have downloaded cen4 and cej4 and ( unfortunately) they work fine for me which doesn't help me understand the cause!

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Hi Ed,


Just done what you suggested, and the black squares have disappeared, but the flashing buildings are still there, also I have just looked in the CEF4 scenery folder, and those files mentioned by postie are not displayed! also the bales and containers keep popping up and then disappearing!



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When I disable CNK4 CEF4 is fixed.The buildings, fence and signs are all back.Now what do I do about CNK4. Does this mean CEF4 and CNK4 can't be activated at the same time?Is  there a patch coming out?Also I just checked and only half the runway has lights but if you scroll down the runway to the ones that are lit they blink out one pair at a time as you go past.Any ideas.Thanks

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Just found this post and confirm High River CEN4 and Airdrie CEF4 are affected and show the black squares when Parry Sound CNK4  is activated.



regards Reg.


Yes, there is a library texture conflict, since the installer places CNK4 HIGHER than CEF4 and CEN4. Will advise Ed about a patch. Shouldn't take long, my apologies... :)

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