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Current libraries...?


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This is totally just for my own curiosity... 


When someone has a scenery issue involving Orbx products, one of the first suggestions often is to make sure the latest library update is installed.  Why is it so important to the health of the scenery in general?  Don't get me wrong, I am totally anal about having everything on my computer up to date at any given minute, so I'm not suggesting being lazy with Orbx libraries or anything, but I like to know how stuff works.  Lets say I'm using the current libraries with whatever Orbx products I have installed, everything running great, then disconnect from the internet indefinitely.  At some point, new libraries will come out, but my system won't know it.  I assume it will continue to run just fine, same as when I pulled the internet plug.  When I connect back on, am I going to now have problems because suddenly the scenery is aware that it doesn't have the latest updates?  What kind of issues can this cause?


Like I said, just curious.  I've had a few glitches here and there so I've looked at a lot of support threads and I noticed the library thing quite a bit so thought I'd ask.     Cheers...

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Usually missing libraries are a cure in select situations. Some of the most common are:


-Missing ObjectFlow

-Missing custom autogen

-Missing FTX Central or some associated app

-Installed old products that include older versions of the libraries and cause a mixup


The usual case of a user needing to install or reinstall the libraries is a brand new user who has missed the notices or a returning user who installs a new product after a long time of not installing anything. The new products will then be looking for newer files that don't exist and cause errors. If your libraries are updated regularly or even semi-regularly there will probably be no issue. If you are installing something new that comes with a triple installer, it'll also probably be ok without the latest libraries just because triple installer products have been brought up to speed and don't include obsolete libraries anymore.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Can I add to this? I was looking at the FTX Central 'Installed products' list (like ya do) and noticed this:


FTX AA ORBX LIBRARIES VER 111207 December 7th 2011


Should that be? Can't say I've noticed anything untoward but...

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Ron, do you delete the old library after installing the new one? I do. I don't know if I'm supposed to or not, but I like to keep things as simple as possible. If a new library has been issued I see no sense in keeping the old one.


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Ron, do you delete the old library after installing the new one? I do. I don't know if I'm supposed to or not, but I like to keep things as simple as possible. If a new library has been issued I see no sense in keeping the old one.


+1.  Any new library comes out, the old one is deleted.



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The library installers automatically delete the previous version before installation. It's most likely that the text file that stores versions has been duplicated. You can find the versions files in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents\Versions", the file for libraries is "FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT"

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The library installers automatically delete the previous version before installation. It's most likely that the text file that stores versions has been duplicated. You can find the versions files in "Microsoft Flight Simulator X\ORBX\User Documents\Versions", the file for libraries is "FTX_AA_ORBXLIBS.TXT"

Sounds about right, but no. Just the 150215 one. I then had a thought. The old installation on the old HD....No. Searched the FSX folder, nothing. Wierd, and from such a long time ago, Dec.2011

I always imagined new libraries simply added the new bits to the old one.

Ron, do you delete the old library after installing the new one?


Not in 5 years of using Orbx I haven't.

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